4. Uncertainty

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"Do  I look like a psycho?" Tina muttered under her breath with enough sound  that was clear to Zee's hearing. "She's over protective of herself you  know? It's like she's in danger when I'm around." as she sulked while  complaining innocently.

"Aren't you crazy?!  You just offered to undress her, if you didn't get it by now." Zee  laughed as she shook her head at Tina's clueless reaction.

"Hey, that wasn't what I have in my mind, okay?" Tina defended herself. Of course, obviously not that.

"I  bet not. Perhaps something else aside from undressing her huh?"  Zee raised an eyebrow as she playfully sneered at her bestfriend.

"Cut it out, Zee!" Tina blurted in defense, "What a dirty mind you have there. At this early." she scoffed at her friend.

"Who knows what could be sitting in your thought with that funny offer of yours eh? I know you man, when it comes to girls."

"Aish.  I'm not like you okay. I'm the most harmless one when you put a girl  right next to me, any girl, compared to you." Tina shrugged off the  topic as she attempted to gear the discussion into other things but  girls. Although both of them are handsome but Zee was more manly than  Tina. But still ladies flocked into their arms to get their attention  and hoping to get hook up emotionally. However, Tina on the other hand  was more picky in girls compared to Zee who's friendlier than Tina,  although both of them were very friendly. But Zee had a highler level of  friendly character to better describe her, perhaps due to her nature of  business.

"I'm just a loving person, dude." Zee handsomely bragged.

"Whatever.  Player." Tina rolled her eyes. Until she finally shifted the subject.  "Hey dude, thanks for helping me and Ms. Dragon eyes here." Tina  gratefully said to Zee while handling over her credit card to her  friend as her payment for the suit.

"Dragon eyes?" Zee  confusely asked before she traced her eyes to where Aom was. "All I see  are angelic pretty eyes, dude. There must be something wrong with your  eyesight. Have a check." she continued. "Naahhh... keep it. Don't worry  about it." she said while rejecting Tina's payment.

"Those  angelic eyes only appear to other people but me. As soon as those eyes  direct to me, they transform into feisty eyes." Tina expressed.

"And  with those smile of Aom, they're cute! I like her." Zee beamed a cheeky  smile after mentioning  "like" for the second time. Hey, no hard  feelings, she was just being honest though.

Tina was  alarmed at what she heard from Zee. She could sense that there was a  thrill in Zee's face when she said about Aom's eyes as cute. Did Zee  really like Aom? What kind of like was it, as a friend like or more of  an attraction? They never had argued about something or someone as rivals from the past,  would this be the first time of their rivalry? Was Zee playing with Tina so  that it won't be obvious that Zee had a crush on Aom? Tina's kinda  puzzled at that moment.

"Yeah they're cute... But she never smile at me. She's always on a war mood with me." Poor Tina complained.

Zee  tried to lighten up Tina. "You're probably not aware that she's the  kind of a girl that turns you on! Feisty! Roar!!" Zee teased Tina while  demonstrating her hand as a mouth of a lion.

And the  toms' only topic was back, pacing towards them. Aom looked smart and very pretty in the baby blue  suit. Tina was stunned. Tina shifted her eyes at Zee, and saw how Zee's  jaw dropped. Grrr. Damn Zee, don't tell me you like her too! Tina  had the urge to cover Zee's eyes to stop the sticky stare. Tina was  controlling herself, badly. Until she finally gave in, she stepped  forward to block Zee's view. But of course, Zee walked past through Tina  as she yanked her to move aside and blurted, "You look lovely on blue,  princess."

Tina blinked then burning holes at the back of Zee's head, Stupid Zee, trying to compete with me now.

"Zee, thank you very much for everything. I owe you one. Call me, will you?" Aom said with her smile of gratitude.

It's  so unfair! She's been nice to Zee since they met and so unfriendly to  me. She smiles at her all the time but not at me. I know Zee likes her,  but does Aom likes her too? And now suddenly she's asking Zee to call  her??? Aargh!  Tina couldn't help some jealousy that lurked into her. She walked past Zee to see Aom closer.

Then Tina's uncertainty was distracted when Aom pulled her sleeve, gesturing that she wanted to leave now, though as nice as she could without giving an impression of being rude.

"Alright Zee, gotta go now! Thanks again." Tina said while walking towards the door following Aom.

"You're  welcome... again!" Zee said and followed up "You gotta behave Mister  Clumsy! I don't want to lose my one & only buddy!" Zee chuckled  before Tina glared back. "Silly Zee!" And smiled.

"See  you soon, princess." Zee waved her hand at Aom, as Aom waved back with a  smile once more. Tina looked back at Zee and gestured her index and middle fingers, pointing them to her eyes and to Zee's,  sending a message of I'm-watching-you-bimbo.


N/A: Sorry guys this one is short. I'll catch up on the next chap.

Take care kids!

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