22. Get Weak

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*Ohmyghad!!! This is bad. This is bad! This is so so bad!!! * Aom still couldn't grasp the fact that she blurted something immensely stupid. A statement that she never thought she'd say to Tina.

*Where the hell did that even come from?*  She cringed as she buried her face in her hands. So hated herself.

She could have said something else, right? Like maybe, buy Tina a pastry or offer back the pastry that her boss bought for her—which might earn her a death glare from Tina—, or just simply share it, cutting it fairly into half. Anything safe to say. Anything. But apparently, of all darn thing to carelessly blurt out, feed her??? *Nice*. They weren't even a couple to act lovey-dovey feeding each other like a sweet romantic couple would do on a date, were they? *Very Nice*

She had been mentally pulling her hair out of never ending frustrations.  If it could have been in reality, she'd most likely lost a lot of strands now. Worst, turned bald maybe. She thanked herself with sarcasm for being an effective spaz. And she blamed it all on her careless mouth.

As soon as Tina dismissed Fern, she faced Aom in an instant, flaunting her eyebrows as she wiggled them like a child full of excitement. "So I guess it's feeding time." And Tina's bewitching grin that flashed somewhat naughty thoughts, as what Aom interpreted, made her flinched nervously. *Shet! I'm so dead!* Instantly she spun around to avoid the unpleasant view of her boss.

*What on earth kind of feeding you have in your nasty mind, you little maniac?* Aom muttered under her breath, scratching her forehead with peeve. No matter how much resistance she tried, tint of red gushed through her cheeks, pounding her heart like mad.

*What am I gonna do now? Think Aom! Think!* She yelped as she stressed herself, struggling to think a way out. Hopefully not something stupid—as the only brilliant thing that had been happening to her since then. She had enough of her brain-dead self today. Pretty impressive as Tina's laughingstock perhaps. *Nice job, Aom. Very very nice.* She blamed herself incessantly.

As desperate as she was, she wanted to take back what she said. But how in a freaking world was she going to do that? After Tina turned down her favorite coffee crumble cake from Fern? After her boss ditched Fern and chose her instead? After stimulating Tina's excitement into a feeding session? But hey, that was an accident, wasn't it? She didn't mean to say that. Nonetheless, she couldn't break her boss' expectation, could she?

After all of these self guilt-tripping, here she was about to ruin Tina's supposedly lovely morning? Would she still find a jumping-for-joy boss afterwards? She doubted it. But the heck she'd care. She had to elude herself from this mess.

*C'mon Aom, be brave. Do it. NOW.* So she inhaled guts of air, facing her boss before wrinkling her nose, "Ahehehe... I-I was only j-joking, Nn... T-Tina". She gave her a timid smile but awkwardness perched through her face. Unexpectedly, her smile, which was still pretty despite of, didn't even sparkle her boss' eyes. Nope, sorry. Not this time.

Confusion drew Tina to knit her eyebrows together. Immediately, Aom backed her statement up after clearing her throat as though something got stuck irritatingly, "er... eh... hehehe... that I'll feed you?" she blinked suggestively, "It was a joke."

After hearing what she said, Tina unveiled a sad face along with her poor puppy eyes. "Oh". Tina turned her gaze back at the door that was now empty from Fern's presence. Then she looked back at Aom as she lightly chewed her lower lip, shimmering disappointment on her face. What's this, some kind of a game that Aom was playing on her?

Aom's expression changed as well after seeing the sadness in her boss' eyes. Unknowingly, a pang of sudden guilt slunk into her conscience. She felt as though she had deceived her boss which made Tina's mood changed drastically. Another thing that made her feel guilty was, she wasn't the type who would ensnare people under her trap. She wasn't heartless to play around someone's feelings. She wasn't like that at all. She had been nice to everyone, even to her worst suitors. But with Tina, it's quite different. And she wondered why.

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