15. Playful Nny-Nny

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Aom lifted her hot coffee that was cupped by both hands, closing her eyes as she gently sniffed the warmness and aroma of her homemade brewed coffee which she brought to her work that day. As much as she wanted to enjoy her breakfast at home, she had to pass that little enjoyment, just to be on time. Some things she had to give up since she got this job, and she's taking it seriously.

The executive pantry wasn't busy yet. Thanks to the late comers of the 42nd floor. So she took a seat while reading the rest of the handouts provided from yesterday's orientation, as she enjoyed her hot latte and her warmed blueberry cupcake.

After sitting there for awhile, she checked her time and realized her coffee break was about to end. So she hurried herself, cleaned her mug, which she also brought that morning. And prepared another hot coffee. Same kind, same sweetness, same blend of taste... which was perfect for her preference.

She entered inside Tina's office, their office temporarily, while the latter was busy reading some paperwork. The gentleness and handsome feature of her boss made her steps faltered, dreamily gazing as she enjoyed every bit of her boss' image, from her handsomely spiked messed hair, how beautiful the black plastic framed eyeglasses sitting on her nose bridge perfectly, her rosy smooth cheeks flawlessly matched her cherry red lips twitching cutely while her eyes scanned through her reading material, and up to how her hands gently holding the paper she was reading. If a paper was treated with such gentleness, how much more a girl's hand would be. Aom wondered.

Her little trance made her snap into realization when her boss cleared her throat.

Ayayay Aom! Have you turned yourself into a male specie? Stop watching her! She's a freaking woman, idiot! Cursing herself as she struggled to stabilize the coffee she was holding.

Damn. Had Tina recognized her sightseeing longer than she thought? She pursed her lips as she pretended she didn't take a luxurious time in enjoying her stare at her boss. She casually stepped closer towards her boss' table and put the coffee mug in front of her young master.

"Huh?" The aroma greeted the surprised Tina as she geared her eyes up towards Aom who's standing in front of her.

Damn those eyes!  Flaunting with such calmness, gentleness and handsomeness... firing up Aom's weakness. Transforming her into someone she wasn't. Never been attracted to a female before. What the heck was going on with her?

"Uhm." Aom fixed herself before gulping down for guts. "That's for you." she offered in a monotonic voice.

Tina blinked in surprise, "For me??" as much as she wanted to shriek in extreme gladness because her executive assistant remembered to bring her coffee, nonetheless, she had to project a calm bossy image. Hiding all her chirpy act of excitement since it won't suit her. A personality mismatch won't look good on her. Which might confuse someone who would accidentally see her chirping ecstatically, and most likely that someone could be Fern, the other executive assistant who started to become suspicious about her peculiarity since the new executive assistant came on board.

Oh wow! She remembered me! She was thinking of ME! Woot! Woot! Tina danced crazily in her mind. If Aom only knew what's going on in Tina's mind, she'd think strangely about her too.

"It's my thank you for the other day's lunch that you treated me." Aom blink sheepishly. Even though you were a total jerk after that. She scoffed silently.

"Have you had your coffee already?" Aom asked with care.

Oh yeah! She did think about me! Tina could no longer stop the urge to smile. Damn! I can't hold it!

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