2. Remedy

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Aom  & the clumsy person were both heading to the parking lot. No word  slipped through each other's lips. Both strangers were surrounded by an  awkward atmosphere. Sensing who would glance first, or who would dare to  speak first.

As they got closer to the clumsy  person's car, Aom's eyes widened in surprise after seeing a fancy  shining yellow Ferrari. This thing was absolutely new to her. She only  had the opportunity to see these luxurious cars in the movies. Not in  real life, and not right in front of her eyes. She wasn't the kind of  person who'd go crazy over cars, but she'd dreamt of riding one of  these... someday. Surprisingly, that someday was about to happen. Not an exciting someday though, more of a this-day-sucks someday. But her  curiosity about the person walking next to her stirred suspicion in her mind.

Hmm...  Who the heck is this guy? There's something not ordinary about him. The way he dressed... the way he projects himself... not to mention his lame pathetic voice... and now with this expensive car. He must be someone who has a  "name" in the society. Aom mentally wondered.

Psch. Who cares about him. I don't. I'm here for my sake. I need a quick fix for this mess that he created. Aom scoffed as she reminded herself.

However,  she got a little worried after some paranoia had crept through her brain. This person might be filthy rich for some extreme reasons...  maybe reasons that were extreme filthy as well? And as stupid as it sounded, she had trusted her life to this clumsy stranger.

Oh no! I  hope I am not hopping into a mafia's car. Could he be a drug dealer or syndicate tyrant... or a kidnapper?? Wait. Am I being kidnapped?? She started to feel anxious and worried. It was obvious that she was hesitant to step further.

"I  don't have money." Out of nowhere she blurted immediately with a funny expression on her face. She wanted to make it clear that she didn't have  any money for ransom or whatever if this had something to do with  kidnapping.  It was totally nonsense to kidnap her. She's no use when  money is involved. That's why she was dying to get a better job if not  the best among the job market.

"What? Oh no... no...  I'm not going to ask any money from you for your new suit. I'll take  care of it since I ruined it." The person smiled with a blend of guilt.

Mister  clumsy, being naturally courteous, of course Aom was not aware of it,  quickly walked past her before opening the passenger door for her to get  in and let her sit comfortably. "You okay now, Miss?" The person closed the door gently with a  heart-warming smile after gaining a nod from Aom.

Darn those smile! I hate it! As  much as Aom hated it, she couldn't resist the blush that strangely bursting  into her cheeks. She had to look away to avoid being caught of  blushing.

The clumsy person then hurriedly walked  towards the driver side and got into the car as quick as possible due to  time restriction of the main goal. Fix the darn mess.

Hmm...at  least he knows how to treat a lady in this manner except for that damn  coffee he spilled on me. Yeah yeah... he's handsome... but stupid! Stupid  & careless. Who would even get attracted with him?? She scoffed.

Why am I talking about attraction now?

Unconsciously, those damn smiles made Aom tranced again. It was becoming a habit, without her awareness.

The  person started the engine, took a quick glance at the pretty lady who  looked so worried now and yet zoning herself out, which made the person  to start worrying too. And he noticed that she hadn't buckled up. The  person took away his hands from the steering wheel, faced Aom, closer  and closer leaning towards her. Judging from Aom's expression, the person could  feel that she was alarmed. Her eyes were carefully guarding every move  that mister clumsy was about to take.

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