5. Stalker

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While Tina was driving, her eyes couldn't help glancing back and forth on the road and Aom. Aom noticed it and shifted on her seat uncomfortably. She had to look away to brush off her discomfort. However, no matter how much she tried to ignore the weird glances of Tina, it crept the inside of her.

"What?" Aom eventually broke the awkwardness and dared to ask.

"What what?" Tina asked back as she played naively.

"Will you keep your eyes on the road? Why do you keep on looking at me?" Aom demanded with a little irritation on her voice.

"Nothing." Tina denied. It was supposedly nothing and yet something had been bothering her. Well, it was pretty obvious on her face. The way she looked at Aom, and how that pretty handsome face blended with worry and displeasure. There must have been something. Until she couldn't resist any longer the urge to ask. "Why did you ask Zee to call you?"

"Excuse me?" Aom blinked, definitely not pleased with what she just heard from someone she just met.

"You asked Zee to call you, didn't you?" Of course Tina repeated her question, mindlessly.

"So? What's that got to do with you? I can ask for a call from anybody I want." Aom scoffed with a raised right eyebrow.

"What about me?" Tina asked demandingly. Damn Tina! You're asking like you own this woman! You're just piling up her annoyance towards you. She heaved a deep sigh. Frustrated. She sure wanted to see Aom again. She wanted to get her phone number too. She wasn't planning this day as her first and last time to see Aom. Not when Tina knew that Aom was someone she couldn't just pass by like that and then what? Forget about her? No way!

Aom was unlike other girls she met, whom she cared less on expecting to meet them again. But there was something in Aom that was different among the girls she met despite of her attitude to Tina. She had to see Aom again. But how was she going to do that when she didn't have any excuse to be able to get her number? Yeah, she could just get it from Zee, but knowing how Zee protected her clients' confidential information. Even though they were bestfriends, Zee didn't have the character to disclose her clients information, which was one of the reasons why her clients respected her and trusted their business with her. Clients knew that this business oriented person was firm and secured. Which was somewhat frustrating for Tina in this case. Although, she respected Zee's business policy. So forget that option.

Who the heck are you Tina to ask me that way? You're acting like I'm your property. And that question of Tina somewhat pissed her off, not to mention the way Tina had been acting, for being demanding and all that. Oh Tina was just desperate. She had to muster her guts to ask.

"What about you??! And why on earth would I want to talk to you after this morning's incident?" Aom croaked at Tina.

"I mean, I can bring your suit to you. I actually don't mind. You didn't have to ask Zee to call you. I can call you instead." I wanted to see you again. Damn it! I sounded so desperate.

"I don't want to cause any trouble to you, Tina. I can manage to get my suit from Zee's shop. I don't want to bother you." Aom fibbed.

"No. It isn't a trouble at all. Look, about the accident, that wasn't planned at all. That's why it was called an accident. But will you at least give me a chance to make friends with you?" Tina transformed and beamed her tame puppy eyed expression.

I don't know...should I give you a chance, Tina? Will you take care of our friendship considering your carelessness? I don't have any close tom friends so I don't know how will that turn out. I am not comfortable just yet. Aom was debating in her mind. Not yet. But when? She didn't know. For now she didn't want to see Tina again, as potentially she might have lost her dream job if she won't make it on time to show up at her new job. Which could be a major reason not to see her again.

"Hmmm... I'll think about that." Aom fibbed again. "Please drop me off back to the coffee shop. I'll walk from there to work." Aom sternly replied before requesting to be dropped off somewhere to distract Tina's sense of direction. As if she could be distracted.

"You don't have much time, do you? Why can't I drop you off in front of the building entrance? I don't mind dropping you off there. What's your building?" Tina was a little persistent, which somewhat annoyed Aom.

"No. No. That's fine I can make it. It's just.. I don't want you to know anything about me my work etc. Who knows you might be a stalker." Aom replied in a monotone voice. Although she might have been a little harsh towards Tina. Everything just didn't start right between the two of them.

Oh my... I think I was too mean... sorry I have to do this, Tina. I can't trust you...not as early as now. I hardly know you. Aom felt sorry, but she had to be firmed. Tina was still a stranger to her, not matter how hot and handsome she was. That didn't compensate Aom's discomfort.

And that word... Stalker. It just snapped Tina, "A stalker! Me?? Stalking you??? You think you're that pretty huh?? You're not even my type." she suddenly ran out of patience, this was the first time she was totally arrogant to Aom. And Aom was offended but she kept her composure. Well, didn't she start being offensive at Tina? Damn she just had to hurry since she had no time to argue with Tina.

"U-huh??" Aom raised her brow. "Not pretty? Why don't you recall what you've been calling me earlier? All those flowery words from your lips. And besides, I didn't say I'm your type, neither said I'm pretty." Aom looked away then noticed they were in front of the coffee shop. "I'm here. Please stop the car. I really have to go." she demanded.

Tina gently grabbed Aom's arm as she was about to get off the car which made Aom glanced at her arm. Tina's touch shivered her in a strange way. Tina pulled back and removed her hand before telling Aom patiently, "Look, I am very sorry if we met this way. And I'm sorry if I screwed your day. But please let me know how your first day at work went. If it didn't work well, please tell me I might be of help to you. You can get my number from Zee." Tina then smiled sincerely and politely.

Aom was surprised of what she just heard which calmed her down. "Tina, thank you for a nice offer. I will try to make this work so I don't have to bother you. Despite of everything earlier, thank you for your help of getting me a new suit." Aom said nicely, for the first time she was nice to Tina and she gave Tina a friendly smile. And that smile created a mark in Tina's mind.

This girl is so stubborn, so hard to convince. I need to find ways of meeting her again. I don't know what's going on with me, I really want to see her again. She's probably right...I might end up stalking her. Dammit! Tina realized while trailing Aom's direction, but she remembered she had a meeting to attend anytime soon and so she started moving her car.

I'll wait for you everyday in the coffee shop, princess, until you give me a chance. And I don't care if you call me a stalker. Tina promised herself despite the fact of feeling like a total dumb ass.

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