3. Feisty

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Zee's background: Zee & Tina are bestfriends since childhood. "Brotherhood" relationship bound them together. If one was in trouble, the other was all out to support and help. Tina is naturally friendly and has lots of friends but she has only Zee as her most trusted friend and same case with Zee. Each one gives way to the other, they treat each other as siblings. Nonetheless, teasing and playful bickering each other were always part of their deep friendship.

Zee is a fashion designer tom, and a business owner of several high-end fashion shops in Thailand, the main branch is in the heart of Bangkok. The line of wardrobes & shoes were imports from Europe, United States & some parts of Asia. These were main reasons of her traveling to keep her line updated with the trends and demands in the field of fashion. Rich people and show business people were her major clients for fashion consultations.


Aom looked around her surroundings the moment she stepped out of Tina's car. The centre was brand new to her sight since she only had gone to affordable shopping malls where she and her bestfriend Due hang out. She was astounded at the stretch of these high-end malls, so fancy and pretty in her eyes. Nice and expensive shopping stores were lined up at the stretch. The shops were made of glass walls showing the brightness of the interiors, attracting shoppers with all those expensive nice clothings, shoes and accessories as displayed.

As Tina & Aom were walking towards Zee's shop, Aom saw a sweet couple whom one was a tom holding a girl's hand as the couple headed towards their direction. And on the other side of the street, two toms were walking as well, strolling on the opposite direction. She shrugged off her views, and tried not to mind those random people she saw. Instead, she rerouted her sight seeing back to the fancy stores. Better view, less distraction.

Tina somewhat noticed how Aom's eyes initially followed the couple and seeing another two toms across. Judging Aom's expression made Tina realized that Aom may have issues with tomboys which caused her hostility towards Tina from the start. She had a conclusion that Aom perhaps was not comfortable with tomboys, and that toms actually existed in this world. Tina was very patient with Aom, it could be because guilt was kicking her conscience or she was attracted to Aom from the start of their weird acquaintance, or perhaps both.

At Zee's shop, Tina opened the door for Aom and led her to step ahead. "After you, my lady". Aom stepped forward without arguing. She didn't have much time anyway to deal with it... so she quietly followed Tina's polite gesture. She stepped inside without even returning Tina's gentle smile.

No smile. No thank you. What a grouchy little dragon. Tina droned in silence as she followed the person she failed to earn a smile, even a little smile.

Zee, having an excellent customer service skills, welcomed them with a genuine smile. From a distance, Zee noticed Aom's peach business suit. She had a huge clue of what might have happened, judging how Tina sounded earlier over the phone. The coffee stain was obvious enough to be recognized. Zee didn't say a word but she glared dagger at Tina somewhat yelling at her, "What the heck did you do?", but Tina simply shrugged off her shoulders, played innocent and nonchalantly introduced the two strangers instead.

Aom felt lost when she saw Zee as another tom. What world have I gotten myself into today? Is today a tomboys' holiday that they're popping out like mushrooms in my face?

Tina nudged her lightly on the arms to bring her back from her little trance. Zee as friendly as she was, never left her smile, as the saying goes "customer is always right". Although she knew that Aom was a little surprised after seeing her.

"Princess, this is Zee, my bestfriend and fashion consultant. Zee, this is Aom, my...eh... hmm..." Tina scratched her nape, struggled to find the right word to describe as who Aom was to her.

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