11. Hungry tummies

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Aom came from an almost close to a middle class family. Her studies were mostly supported by her scholarships.

She wasn't raised with a high exposure to luxurious lifestyle such as high-end shopping places, branded clothing, expensive restaurants and costly traveling. Her lifestyle was a total opposite from Tina's lifestyle.

Aom & her family used to go to places where the family could only afford which was very rare. Thanks to school activities and previous part time jobs where she started getting more exposure to the outside world beyond her humble home at the province.

With her family status in life, and some financial struggles which were inevitable once in a while, helped her to develop the concept of practicality in handling finances. Her financial motto was "don't buy it, if you don't need it". Well, did she sound stingy to you now? Maybe huh? She preferred to be labeled as "practical" or "frugal" but NOT stingy.

She always had this belief that when you strive and work really hard, you would get to your dreams without the need of looking for someone rich to settle down and get out of hardships in life.

She's very independent and sucking somebody's wealth was never a thing for her. If gold digging was part of the race she had to deal in life, for sure she'd flunked already.

As Tina and Aom were entering the restaurant, Aom was observing the details of the restaurant that looked fancy and the crowd was high end, classy people from business establishments, you could see from their appearance, clothing, and posture.

The restaurant manager, who greeted them with a smile, assisted them to their table. Tina, with her gentle ways, pulled the chair for Aom to sit first and then went to her side of the table to settle herself. That's the way Tina was even to her girl friends, very polite and her "gentleman" ways charmed more girls. Some appreciated her "gentleman" manner, some didn't appreciate it... but instead, they fell in love with it... fell in love with her.

Aom in her mind noticed this side of Tina too, but the question was, did this side of Tina awaken a spot in her heart? True, Tina's her secret crush, but would she consider her crush go beyond the line... of capturing her heart? For Aom, Tina's just a total heart teaser, girls went crazy over her cheap thrills, and not treated seriously by Tina. Aom would never want to be lined up with those stupid girls, she's better than them... way way better with her own practical reasons.

"Hey, stop staring at those people, we can't order them. I don't eat them. Good thing they are not in the menu." Tina exerted little chuckles after observing Aom's glued stare.

"Eew. They don't look appetizing to me. I have high standard in eating meat ok?" Aom defended herself as her eyes diverted back to Tina.

"So what are your preferences, human-eater?" Tina asked. Not sure if her question was out of curiosity or trying to dig something from Aom.

"I eat sarcastic-conceited-arrogant-demanding-weird person." Aom innocently replied and didn't even think why the heck she said that.

"Wow that's a lot of good ingredients. In that case, I need to fill up myself then." Tina couldn't control her laughter. Her mind was full of unnecessary thoughts.

*Did she just say she wanted to eat me? Silly amazon princess, she had no idea what she was talking about*. Tina was grinning naughtily in her mind.

"What's funny eh?" Aom frowned and was lost in their conversation. Yeah, what's funny really Tina?

"I was just saying that I have to eat a lot of food then. I don't want my hungry predator eats a hungry prey." Tina chuckled.

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