18. The Threat: Tina's POV

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"Aish! People can hear you. Stop yelling like my nagger wife." I drifted my eyes toward the door for few seconds just to make sure no one would hear our drama series kind of scene, which would most likely end as an action genre having this little gangster in front of me as the lead action star.

I swore her petite size was a total deception of how her tiny harmless facade hands could be impregnated with such a force. Damn those little fists when they clenched & spat unto any visible surface, they trembled the inside of me. I bet they're harder than amass of golf balls when they hit you in the head. For sure it would hurt so darn bad, if it wasn't dangerous enough to cause you brain hemorrhage.

I somehow got a little worried that she might have the tendency to physically abuse me. Oh dear heavens, I begged not to let that happen. I wanna live a longer life for pete's sake! Please spare my one and only dear life.

I wasn't exaggerating okay? C'mon guys hear me out.

I kind of doubted too if she was a full bloodied barbaric male hunter from her previous life and was apparently now trapped in this princess figure wearing her harmless angelic most beautiful face with the sweetest enchanting smile I've ever seen.

Ohmygoodnessgracious that face... why in the world that whenever I see her face, my stupid heart just stops beating and soften in a matter of millisecond. I started suspecting I was wizened by somewhat a voodoo charm of hers. Yeah. I thought so.

Oh hell I talked too much now...

A/N: Glad you finally noticed it, Tina. I think Aom was right, you're too talkative as a tom.

What??? Did she say that??? Where??? When???

A/N: Hey, don't be rattled. It was just Aom who said it. Not a biggie. (*author rolled her eyes*)

What do you mean not a biggie?? That's my princess we're talking about here! AUTHOR?!!!

A/N: Aish. Stop whining. You don't want your readers to snooze with your long boring crappy nonsense POV, do you? (*author sharply squint her eyes*)

Hey that's so mean! Of course, I don't. But I bet you're lying author, Aom surely won't say such a thing.

A/N: Ask your readers then, I have witnesses. Now get your toot back on track, Tina!

Alright. Alright. Sheesh! What a cranky author. Hey guys, excuse our author's misbehavior okay. Just don't mind her.

A/N: Whatever. (*author rolled her eyes again*)

I still can't believe Aom did say I'm talkative. Okay so going back. Stop distracting me, author, aight?

A/N: TINA!!! Will you just keep going with your POV thingy?? This is your first full POV ever, so you better make it right!

Aish! Why so cranky?!!! Can't I get any less pressure here? This is my POV, right? Am I not supposed to have full control over it? This is my chance to express my inner most feelings so I can talk as much as I want to, right? Not that I'm talkative or something. And I promise you this is gonna be... uhm... interesting? (*having self doubt*)

A/N: Oh no. Now we're doom. (*face palming frustratingly*)

Sorry guys. Okay so going back... again. Now where was I before our impatient cranky mean unsupportive-with-my-POV author interrupted us?

A/N: Ugh. (*snorted impatiently*)

Okay... Okay...


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