23. Last Night: Tina's POV

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*Are you stupid?!! You're about to kiss her, idiot. Fix your damn heart, Tina.*  I screamed hysterically in secret while whupping myself without mercy. I'd rather do the self punishment that way I'd have more chances of surviving still.

If I'd let this majestic amazonian castigate me, considering her ready-to-fire fist, I might not be able to last this day alive. Thanks to my remaining few brain cells for stressing quite a bit of logic here.

I admitted I was a total doofus a minute ago as I was close, so damn close of getting slaughtered right that very moment. Damn this raging hormones for misbehaving! Putting me into more troubles here wasn't very helpful.

And I couldn't believe how my lips were instinctively magnetized by the lusciousness of hers. Like it had its own mind in surrendering like an idiot possessed by her power. I was glad enough that she wasn't aware of possessing such power that takes all over me. Otherwise, I guaranteed she'd use it against me for whatever reasons might brilliantly come up on her mind. Blackmailing me would most likely be the best bet.

I swore that I struggled so so bad to fight against the rebellious urge of kissing her. Not that it was my intention to take advantage of her. But no matter how much resistance I did, the more it's drawing me closer to her lips... to feel them... taste them... and enjoy them.

Dammit. I sounded like a genuine perv now. The heck, she was probably thinking that I was one of those maniacs. Ugh. It could be one of the reasons why she hated me. I wouldn't be surprised if one day she'd start bringing pepper spray as defense against me. I should be really more in control of my emotions before volunteering myself being sprayed on. Something that didn't excite me at all.

Judging how her eyes looked so scared earlier as if a beast would lavishly devour her preciousness. I could see from her defensive reactions that she either abhorred me or merely loathed my kind. And it hurt to admit both if they were the case.

Perhaps I should start acting more of a dignified boss than a crazy lost duckling following her wherever she goes. I'd probably need to get those horse blinkers to focus myself than feasting my eyes on her beauty.  I shouldn't be too obvious showing how tremendously insane she had turned my heart into. Such an idiot heart.

So yeah. I should start training myself to act uninterested. The hell I didn't even know how to start acting one. For sure it'd be a struggle on my part. But nonetheless I had to. Maybe that way, it would make her feel comfortable again. And hopefully would stop her from avoiding me and change her concept of me being a perv or whatever I wasn't.

To be honest, I wasn't like this peculiar and— stupid. Girls don't faze me at all. Not that I was boosting my ego here. I don't pay too much attention to their overly friendliness. I don't even give any meaning towards their behavior. They're all just friends to me. And I highly respected  them being that way... being sweet and caring. I didn't even know why I met this little miss gangster here whom didn't know what sweet and friendly terms meant. And more I felt stupid for going gaga over her stoned heart.  I wasn't like this to any girls I've met until she magically appeared into my life. Ruling my sanity, making me look like the greatest fool in my clan.

So I had my mind busy thinking about all these stupidity of mine and came into a decision on what to do with myself—finally. I had hoped that I could last a day holding myself off—ignoring my stupid heart from jumping on her and looming myself all over her.


As I was reading one of the global investors' emails that made my eyes stay still on my monitor, I suddenly heard a screech.

"Ouch!"  She swiftly shook her right hand on the air in attempt to ease the burn effect of the bite. 


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