13. Driving her crazy

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"Really?" Right after Tina replied, Aom was pretty sure, she saw a small curve that attempted to escape from Tina's lips. But it faltered in an instant. The same blank expression was plastered back at Tina's face. Aom had been observing Tina's behavior, she witnessed how sudden her boss' expression changed in an extreme second.

What an unbelievable mood switcher! Aom groaned inwardly.

Really Tina? Thinking too much? I can't tolerate that. I can't tolerate you totally ignoring me. It won't be easy working with someone so... she let out a deep sigh.




There could be something else that bothered her. Whatever it was, I hope it had nothing to do with me or something I did. Gosh! I don't even know what the heck did I do. Aom harrumphed mentally. She felt like she was suddenly trapped in a guessing game.

As both of them were entering Tina's office, Aom started to feel more awkward being alone with someone whose mind had gone to the outer space. She expected on her first day that her boss would initially orient her on some basic tasks to start with. But because Tina's ridiculously muted, she didn't know how to end her day productively.

What am I gonna do now Tina?, she grumbled silently.

Tina walked towards her table, sat on her executive chair. She was in the process of clearing her mind from the cobwebs of her issues, which were mainly her doing obviously. She had forgotten that lost Aom was still following her as she kept on pacing to her office. She had a dumbfounded face staring at Aom, while the latter had a death glare piercing through her eyes.

Aom slammed her tiny palm on Tina's table, which made the latter startled by flinching few inches back from her original position due to Aom's unexpected reaction. This amazon petite girl started to lose her patience. But honestly, Aom got a little worried that she might have broken the glass on top of the table. And that would cost her salary deduction. Already? Yet she pretended she didn't care an ounce and continued her confrontation.

"You know what? I have a fabulous idea." Aom wiggled her eyebrows suggestively with a blend of sarcasm at her boss. I'm going to make you talk now, my menopausal boss. Aom challenged Tina mentally.

"What?" Tina blinked and asked curiously.

And Aom absolutely did, I knew it, she bragged silently.

"Why don't you stop thinking too much?!" Aom stared intently at her boss with sharp daggers finally showing out of annoyance.

"Huh?" Tina blinked as she furrowed her eyebrows. Clueless.

"Because I can't work and do the things you want me to... if you're not talking to me! So stop thinking too much, will you?" Feisty Aom snapped.

Tina couldn't resist the small curve drawn in her lips. Aom's way of snapping like that fascinated Tina. Aom couldn't predict how Tina's mood changed completely in an instant. She actually thought Tina would get mad about the glass slapping. But it turned out the opposite effect. Weird boss!

As always on a good timing, Fern happened to pass by Tina's office and saw Aom's reaction. She furrowed her brows with a confused expression on her face. Her sight was still at Aom who was leaning forward at Tina's table while her tiny hand stuck flatly across the table.

Aom noticed Fern's presence and straightened her posture. She didn't want Fern to have an impression that she was bullying or harassing their young master, as Tina was sitting quietly, and her innocent face showed that she wasn't even fighting back. Judging that scene definitely showed an example of an employee who'd been bullying a CEO. Strange enough to watch them.

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