12. Unreasonable silence

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Aom  was lost in the midst of silence inside a moving vehicle where she  couldn't even get out. If only she had a choice not to be in her boss'  car, if only she could jump off the window and walk back to the office  just to escape the awkwardness, but that would be a long walk for her.  Jumping off wasn't a good idea in the first place. She's neither a stunt  girl nor has the skills to do acrobatic moves. Aside from that, she  hates risks and trouble. Forget it. She thought.

"What  on earth am I doing here with her? I should have never submitted  earlier to this temperamental Tina just to drag me, feed me and now  what?? leave me hanging in the air. I didn't even ask for this!" Aom complained in her mind.

The  silent treatment due to Tina's dead reactions was just killing her  while Tina was driving quietly back to their office as if she didn't  have any passenger. They've known each other for one day... that  freaking-messed-up but heart-thrilling day... but it seemed that day was  long enough to know the character of her troublemaker happened to be  the boss, thanks to fate. And she wasn't used to deal with the other  side of Tina... the frustrating extremely quiet side of her.

"What a moody menopausal old lady you are Tina! If you're trying to annoy me... then you are certainly on the right track!"  Aom wanted to yell this at her, but she kept it to herself since it  wasn't a good idea bickering with someone who's driving. Not safe.

Aom  started to internally review back all their conversation earlier that  probably changed her boss' mood. She couldn't remember anything that she  said something that was below the belt or too offensive to Tina when  they were in the restaurant. Although, she admitted she could be a  little harsh sometimes, yup! just a little, whenever Tina's  teasing her but all her responses were more of an entertainment for  Tina. In fact, Tina's delicious smirks and chortle proved her enjoyment.

But now her boss was having an attitude problem... this handsome pretty face has an attitude problem? She thought. What the heck just happened? What's into Tina's oddity now? She's unreasonably silent. Frustration started to boil into Aom.

She  glanced at Tina hoping she would glance back, but nah... both eyes were  very attentive on the road. Nothing else mattered that time but the  road. Well, that was reasonable enough when driving, wasn't it? But what  Aom couldn't understand was, she felt abandoned by Tina by not talking  at all, not even a single word neither a glimpse. And those pretty smiles... where have they gone? Aom was sighing hard and deep.

Tina  could sense the heavy sigh, she couldn't deny that Aom was getting  frustrated with her. But what could she do? It wasn't like she wanted to  be rude to Aom or act as a jerk to her which was actually happening,  thanks to young master who was thinking too much. She couldn't just  admit to Aom what was really bothering inside her. She herself wasn't  even sure if a pang of jealousy pierced her or it was the feeling of  hopeless romantic penetrated into her heart after learning earlier that  Aom would never be interested in her. Her and Aom... together... would never  happen. Hopeless. Yeah, too early to conclude but that's what she was  feeling at that moment, that's what she even heard straight from Aom's  lips. Ouch.

"Was it the call?? Probably huh. Only  if I have known that she didn't want me to answer it, I could have  ignored Tart's call. But it was my lunch break for Pete's sake. Am I not  allowed to talk to anybody I want during my break time? Oh... Do I even  have a break time?? Darn you Tina, you're giving me a headache now. Why  I am so worried of your silence? Why am I so bothered? Wait... Why do I  even care? Stupid stupid me!" Aom was yelling herself.

They  reached the parking lot. Tina got off the car and so did Aom. Tina was  walking fast and left Aom behind as she was struggling to speed up but  her stiletto heels were slowing her pace. She loves her stiletto shoes  so much.  She only had a very few pair of them and she was wearing her  favorite one that day. They're gorgeous on her feet. However, that very  moment wasn't the right time to be fashionable. She had to speed up. She  had to talk to that grouchy one. She won't let her pass this time, not  when she was no longer driving. With determination, she took her shoes  off, slung them with her fingers and paced as fast as her short steps  could drag her.

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