19. Almost there

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TINA's POV continuation:

My eyes were agitatedly guarding the door, hoping a petite figure would finally appear in front of me. It had been quite awhile now that she hadn't returned yet.

I was pretty sure she won't be doing that T-M-I thing anywhere else but the ladies room, oh well I hoped so, which shouldn't be too far and long to walk for her toddler-like steps. *But where in the world is she now?* I impatiently asked myself. I sure did hope she didn't accidentally flush herself in the toilet. But what's taking her so long?

A suitable amount of guilt loaded my conscience, telling me that I, probably, went over the board. Did I really scare her that much which would answer her prolonged return? I mean, seriously, the dragon-barbaric-violent-amazon princess, got scared?? Wasn't that totally absurd to hear?

I couldn't wait any longer so when I was about to stand up and thought of following her just in case I made her pass out at the restroom because of what I said almost an hour ago, there she came gliding quietly, perhaps hoping not to get notice by me. How could I not, when she was the main reason why my eyes stayed glued towards the door?

I nailed my eyes on her as she paced to her table. And it was pretty obvious that she was eluding my direction. Her head hanging low, blushes of pink still painted her pretty cheeks as she avoided an eye contact with me. I was close to congratulating myself of doing a good job of taming her down. But something seemed extremely not normal as if a different person just came in.

"Princess..." I initiated, slightly curved my lips.

"Hmm." She replied with eyes focused on her monitor, as though she was busy on something I had no idea what, since I haven't delegated anything for her to get swamp at work just yet. However, she didn't violently react on my term of endearment, which was surprisingly odd. Or perhaps she wasn't really paying attention to whatever came out from my mouth. Or maybe, just maybe, she got used to it. But I doubted the last one.

"Princess..." I repeated as my gaze followed her.

"Yeah." She blankly replied, hardly audible for my hearing, as her eyes were still away from where I was located.

So I finally stood up from my chair and walked towards her side. She seemed floating in the air as she didn't even notice that I was already physically right next to her. I bent down a little to reach the side of her ear and said, "Princess..."

Perhaps the air from my lips brushed through her ear which made her instinctively bolt off her seat, "AY PRINCESS!", she exclaimed. Then in a snap, she astonishingly twisted her head sideway towards my face. Our lips were insanely few centimeters apart, and one clumsy move of hers would end her lips touching mine. We had a quick eye contact, sensing the proximity of our closeness that streamed an outburst of heat across my body. Her eyes widened exuberantly, as shades of red blasted on her pretty face. She freaked out by backing off in a split of second after realizing that the tip of our nose touched.

My heart was racing madly at that very moment. I couldn't even keep myself up by the speed of its beating. And I couldn't deny that my heart enjoyed those moments of thrill. That was the closest I could get to her, I'd be a big liar if I'd say I didn't like it. I couldn't resist any longer the curve that flew from my lips as I saw her turned as red as tomato all over her face. Her reactions were so damn cute that spun my heart joyfully.

"Was that your comeback from my threat?" I tittered playfully.

"W-what c-comeback?" She stuttered while holding her chest. I wondered why she had to do that, did I make her heart throb as insane as mine? She purse her soft lips and shyly looked away to avoid my gaze. Her cuteness when she acted this way just mesmerized me like crazy.

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