1.First Impressions

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(A/N : Before starting the story, I just want to say thank you Lizzsherry . If not for you I wouldn't have published another story.)

Age -13

" Kong, are you sure you want to stay inside hotel to read ? I think you will enjoy Greece, there are really beautiful sites luuk " His mom asked.

" No Khun mae, I want to stay inside today. I am finding this book really hard to put down. I really want to finish it today itself. " Kong pleaded.

" Ok love, stay safe . Uncle Dave is right opposite to our suite. Call him if you need something. Your Por and I will return very soon. We just want to see a property here before leaving today. "

" We will be back soon. " His father said.

" Sure Khun mae, Khun Por ." Kong replied half looking at text book and half his attention at his parents.

" Mae rak luuk na." His mom mumbled kissing both his cheeks.

" Mae I am not a child, I am 13 right now" Kong complained .

" Yes , you are a big boy now." Kong's father chuckled kissing him on forehead.

" Por, you should be on my side. " Kong whined.

" We both are always by your side only child. " His father smiled.

Kong reimersed himself in the book he was reading. Little did he know it was his last time being kissed by his parents.

His whole life turned upside down in next 5 hours. " Kong...... " Uncle Dave, best friend and business partner of his father came crying.

" What happened Uncle Dave ?"

" Your parents....... " Kong was brought to hospital his parents drew their last breaths in. He was shaken to core by seeing the lifeless bodies that laughed and breathed just five hours ago.

" At least they didn't suffer...." His uncle Dave had said, Kong didn't react hearing that.

Kong didn't shed single tear, didn't shout , didn't speak..... he remained silent. Even when his parents were cremated, when a lawyer read the will telling him his parents were bankrupt leaving him only a house and 50000 baht that he would inherit from his aunt but not before he will turn 18. He didn't even talk when he was dumped in to an orphanage in a remote location of greece.
He just remained silent until he met one Khun Yong Chanagun.

Age-18 years

Kongpob stood infront of the faculty of Engineering, staring at the gear symbol adorning the main gate of the faculty - staring at the gear he wanted on his uniform, pinned to his tie just like his father had

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Kongpob stood infront of the faculty of Engineering, staring at the gear symbol adorning the main gate of the faculty - staring at the gear he wanted on his uniform, pinned to his tie just like his father had. He had dreamt all his life to study in this building ,the faculty where his father studied. He couldn't contain his happiness , his parents would be really proud wherever they were right now.

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