Chapter 8

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Charlotte's POV

Magic left an two hours ago, I'm currently sitting in the kitchen with his mother. She's such a lovely woman, it baffles me how she has a son like Magic and a husband like Ricky. Maybe his mother will tell me his real name, but what if she expects me to already know because I'm his "girlfriend", I still have no idea where I am and I've been stuck in this house the whole time. I think Magic wants to keep it that way, he probably knows I'll try bolt for an escape. When I look out the window the place looks pretty secluded, looks like nothing for miles just trees for miles.

"How old are you my love? you look very young", his mother asks with an arched brow.

"Twenty", I half smile before taking a sip from my coffee. I wonder how old Magic is, he must be pretty old by the way his mother said that. I'm guessing his parents are around fifty but with their wealth they look forty, his mother looks like she's had work done. Maybe a face lift or some Botox. She's really pretty though. Her hair is brown, curled out at the bottom as if she were back in the 70s. Her makeup is light and elegant, she has this pink shimmer gloss on that matches her eyeshadow. The more I study her face the younger she seems, I don't see a wrinkle in sight yet Ricky, he has wrinkles by his eyes. 

"Oh, where did you grow up?" She asks, I can tell she's curious. 

"Scotland, it's a far way from here", I guess. 

"Yeah I thought I recognised that accent. New York is a big place, I grew up here my whole life and when my son was old enough to live on his own, we moved to Florida, it was the best decision I have ever made, we get peace now that Ricky is retired", she smiles lovely. So, it's New York, that's where I am. I wonder if she knows about this gang/mafia stuff, she probably does.

"Why did you move, if you don't mind me asking?", I ask.

"This gang stuff was to much for me, after Ricky retired he left it to Magic and we moved to Florida for a better life"

"Why doesn't he get on with his father?"

"That's how it's always been, always bickering and fighting, hasn't Magic told you about this?" she concerns tilting her head at me.

"No", I look down at my hands. Fuck, have I just blew this.

"He will when he's ready, I see the way he looks at you", she beams. I don't know how I feel about that because I certainly know I don't feel anything for him except hatred and he feels the same, I know it. I just want to get under his skin for him to trust me enough that I don't need to be watched and if that means I need to flirt with him to save my life then I will. 

"When do you think he'll be back?", I ignore her comment wrapping my hands around the steaming hot mug.

"I'm not sure darling, could be hours, maybe even a few days, maybe weeks. I never knew when Rick would be back"

"Weeks?", That's a long time for handling business. Maybe that's a good thing because It will be easier to slip away, unless Nick or D is here lurking the halls. There is security all over this house. 

"Yes, this world is difficult, during my pregnancy I went weeks without seeing Ricky"


"Yes that's why I'm glad to get out of this life well, I'm kind of out that life. It's getting late, I'm going to bed sweetie, I'll see you tomorrow morning" she forces a smile towards me. She seems in a hurry to stop the conversation getting deeper. 

"Goodnight", I smile back.

When I get cosy in bed I hear a light knock on my door, I walk over and open the door slowly, "Sorry to disturb, Ms Gordan. Magic asked me to give you this", she smiles handing me a medium sized box.

"Thank you", I close the door and sit on my bed. I open the box to see an iPhone and MacBook with a note on top.

This is so you can contact me while I'm away, I shouldn't be long. I have D looking out for you, so no funny business, I have many eyes on you -M

I put the note in my bedside table and pick my new phone up out the box. When I turn it on everything has been set up, I look at my contact list I see Magic and Demetrius, that's all the names in it. He must trust Demetrius the most, I wonder why he trusts him so much, does he not trust the other guys? I look at the time on my phone and sigh. 12:00am

I should really sleep, I put my phone on the bedside table on top of my MacBook and snuggle up into bed, close my eyes and let sleep takeover me, I didn't think I would be able to sleep but I did and I felt safe, strangely. 


It's been three days since Magic left, I've been bored in this house but Mary kept me busy for the two days, we watched movies and did some baking, we laughed a lot which is strange because I never did this with my own mother. She's the sweetest woman, I'm surprised I managed to act as though I loved Magic when I clearly didn't, It's easy to pretend when you desperately want something to go correctly. We didn't talk about him a lot and every time I asked about something personal she would dodge it, I'm not really sure why, she must think if Magic wanted me to know he would of told me. Magic hasn't contacted me even though that's what he said the phone was for, I did text him once asking when he will be back but he hasn't replied. I asked D, he said he wasn't sure and he hasn't heard from him which was odd, I think he has but has been informed not to consult me.

I wake up extremely thirsty I look at my phone on the bedside table and it reads, 4:30am. I huff and get out of bed, the bed is growing on me. The mattress is thick and soft, you sink into the pillow and the duvet is so soft. It's like I'm sleeping on a cloud. 

I make my way down to the kitchen, when I enter the kitchen the light is already on, my eyes snap straight to Magic sitting on the counter wearing only jeans as he smokes and clenches a drink in his hand, hunched over. His eyes move up to me immediately and he signs looking away, annoyed by my presence already and I haven't said anything. That's what I wanted though to be annoying and be confident, fight my way out sort of thing.

"Why are you awake?", he sternly speaks. He looks rough and he has bags under his eyes like he hasn't slept a wink, he's lost weight and he overall just looks like death. His once blue ocean eyes are now gloomy, no anger behind his eyes just lifeless with no emotion.

"When did you get back?", I walk towards the fridge grabbing a water bottle, I take a seat at the island counter, taking a sip from my water.

"About four hours ago", he takes a puff of his cigarette. I didn't even know he smoked.  

"Then why are you still up at this time?"

"Why are you?", he hops off the counter and stands tall on his feet, he pours another drink of whiskey then leans back against the counter, staring my way.

"I was thirsty", I admit. "What's wrong with you? you look like death" I tease. 

"I haven't slept in three days, few of my men are dead and we didn't get the man we wanted", he huffs running a hand down his face.

"I'm sorry, Magic", I take a sip of water from the bottle I pull out the fridge. 

"Yeah", he looks down to the brown liquid and swirls it in circles. He downs it in one gulp and looks up, meeting my eyes, "Come on, lets go to bed", he places the glass down to the side and walks towards me. He takes my hand interlocking  our fingers and leads me upstairs into his room. I'm calm as I begin to think the worst, he's drunk so what if he does something? I don't know what he's actually like, I've only been here a week and he's been gone three days.

"I have my own bed", I mumble.

"Yeah but I want you in mines", I hate that I can't tell what he's thinking. I crawl under the silk sheet and stay quiet. 


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