Chapter 1

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Hi there, I haven't given cast but I do picture Jeremy Meeks as Magic. Tell me who you picture as the characters! Thank you for giving this book and chance and enjoy!

*Mature Book(18+ suggested)*

It was Friday morning, finally my last day of work so I can go out clubbing in town with my girls. I hopped out of bed and got ready for work, thinking it was the last day for another 2 weeks. I'm going to make these two weeks worth it. I pulled black jeans on, a black polo shirt over my head and slipped into black Nike's. I headed for my front door making my way to work. I work as a barista at Starbucks with my two best friends Harper and Ava. I met Harper in high school and we've been friend ever since, Harper and I met Ava while working at Starbucks. When we have the same shifts it's a nightmare, we just fuck around, we really shouldn't be allowed to work with each other but I wouldn't have it any other way. I live alone in my small one bedrooms flat, I don't actually mind living alone I like peace and quiet. 

 When I arrive at work I walk behind the counter and through the door, In the staff room I place my stuff into my locker. I grab my apron that was hanging up and I tie it around my waist. Harper and Ava walks through the door while I was heading out, Harper is usually late so this is a surprise. Harper gives me a smack on the ass with smile while we walk past each other, Ava and I chuckle with a head shake. I make my way to the counter at the front. I take a few orders and within a few seconds Harper and Ava emerge from the door behind me. "Hey girls, you bitches up for town tonight?", I ask. I guess you could say I'm a party animal and sometimes take it too far but at least you wouldn't have a boring night with me.

"Of course", Ava replies as if she didn't even have to think about it.

"Do you really have to ask us", Harper says, laughing.

After two hours of taking orders, Harper and Ava making the drinks, I couldn't wait until our shifts were over so we can party, "Only four hours to go, yippee", I say rolling my eyes through my sarcastic tone.

After four hours our shift was done we all walked back to my flat to get ready, we ordered a dominos first cause we were hungry as fuck and lunch didn't do us justice. After we ate the pizza, we went into my bedroom, we turned on music, blasting it while we all got ready. Sitting down at my makeup desk, I went full coverage, with a shit ton of highlighter cause I can. I straightened my frizzy mess of hair and let it fall down my back. My hair was super long...reaching my hips long and blonde. I liked long hair because I love doing different styles and if it bothers me I can easily tie it in a bun. 

I walk over to my closet and pick out an all white tight dress, it complimented my curves so well and the material was thick enough that it wasn't see through. Scottish weather isn't pleasant but it doesn't stop me from wearing a dress to have an amazing night, I'll suffer through the cold. I slip into nude strapped heels and look in the mirror for one last look over. The girls and I take photos and take a few shots to get alcohol pumping through out veins, trick is if you get drunk enough beforehand you won't need to spend so much at the club.  We take a few pictures before uploading them to the socials. 

"You look sexy", Harper compliments with her eyes trailing over my body.

"So do you guys", I look them over. They're gorgeous, at all times.  

Harper is five foot five with beautiful brown locks, her eyes are a dark brown almost black but when the sunlight hits them you can see freckles of yellow in them. She's wearing a two piece red dress with red bulky heels, I love how she can rock anything. 

Ava has a gorgeous dark complexation, her eyes are hazel, one look and her big eyes will have you on your knees. She has this beautiful afro, when she shakes her head the curls bounce, It's adorable. I wish I had curly hair and not a frizzy straight mess. She's a little shorter than Harper. She's wearing an all black pixie dress with Dr Marten boots. Her style is edgy and fierce, I love it. 

Me, well I've got golden blonde hair and I hate being the tallest out my two best friends at the height of five foot seven but I guess I'm not that much taller. My eyes are blue but in certain light they look green. I like my eyes, they're pretty. I think my eyes and hair are the only thing I like about myself.

We call for a taxi and within ten minutes the driver is here. We all hop in the back seat, when we arrive in town we hand the driver our money and get out the taxi. We run across the road in a bundle of laughter when someone beeps at us to get off the road. We wait in the line to this nightclub called Underground, we showed our IDs to the bouncers and then followed the music downstairs after getting our wrists stamped with ink.

 We all head straight to the bar in need of a drink, "What do you want", Ava asks Harper and I, shouting above the loud music.

"Pink Gin and lemonade", I shout back leaning closer to her.

"A VK", Harper yells looking towards the dancefloor. It's already jammed packed with people dancing. 

When we got our drinks we head for the dance floor. We dance for about ten minutes before needing another drink, "I'll get the next round", Harper yells into my ear.

I gave her a thumbs up and she skips off leaving me and Ava dancing. Ava's hips swaying to the beat of the music, a guy places his hand on her hip and I grab her hand pulling her away. She smiles at me in thanks and begin to dance with each other.

After two hours of heavy drinking and dancing. I can't even remember how much I've had but I know it was a lot, shots of all different kinds of alcohol. I'm brutally smashed. I need fresh air as my body can't take the heat anymore. I tell the girls I'd be two minutes before wobbling outside, walking further away from the club because a heap of drunken idiots surrounding the doorway as they smoke. 

The breeze feels amazing on my sweat coated skin, I look up to the dark sky and cross my arms over my chest. The stars look amazing and the grey clouds move slowly below the moonlight. I remember looking up at the stars with my little sister, It will be seven tomorrow since she passed. Five years old is too young to be battling a disease, my mum kind of lost herself after she passed. I remember being thirteen and holding her hair back as she hung over the toilet and spewed everything she consumed. 

 "Hi", a man says.

"Hey", I slur. 

"What's your name?", he questions while leaning beside me on the wall.

"Charlotte", I'm in no talking mood, I just want some fresh air so I can enjoy the rest of my night. I don't want to think about my past right now.

"Stefan", he says reaching out to shake my hand.

I look at his hand and look away, not bothering to give him a handshake, he clears his throat before continuing to bother me further,  "How old are you?", He asks curiously. 

"Twenty", I say and he smirks back while nodding.

"You want to get food?"

", I'm here with my friends" I inform him.

"We won't take long", a dimple appearing as his smirk deepens. "It's just down the street"

I look back at the club and then back to him, "Hmmm", I hum and take my phone out from my purse and text both Harper and Ava saying I'm going to get food with some guy named Stefan. I'm not entirely sure about leaving my friends but I am hungry. I shove my phone back into my purse and we walk down the street and round a corner heading to McDonald's.

I get yanked by my arm and pulled down into a dark ally out of the public view, Stefan pins me against the wall holding his hand over my mouth so I won't scream. He pulls out a handkerchief and puts it over mouth and nose, holding me tightly. I try fight him off by kicking him directly in the balls, he lets go of me with a grunt and I run for about two seconds before I see complete darkness and fall to the floor, hard.


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