Chapter 25

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Charlotte's POV

I awake with an aching pulse in my head, as soon as I open my eyes his sweaty body is on top of mine with his gut churning smile. I snap my eyes shut and reopen them to be met with the ceiling, my bedroom ceiling in Magic's home. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved that it's not my own home, If it was I would've been alone. 

"Hey", I hear Magic's raspy voice as if he has smoked a pack of twenty and downed a bottle of jack. He's sitting on a chair that has been pulled up to the bed, I wonder how long he has been here for. I sit up and grunt as my headache becomes worse, I reach up touching my head. "Take these", he leans over giving me two pills and a glass of water. Without asking I swallow down the pills with two large gulps of water, I guess I trust him enough to take whatever he hands me. 

I look over to him, a frown displayed on his face and for the first time I don't comment on it or say anything to annoy him. I'm not in the mood to be smart, I'm not really in the mood to talk. I'm fed up of feeling this way, I never use to be familiar with this feeling but I have a feeling that my body is becoming familiar with it.

"I'm sorry...I broke a promise again", I don't look his way, my eyes drop to the duvet covering my legs. "I promised nothing would happen to you, you had trust in me", his voice isn't consumed with anger just pure sadness. 

"Where were you?", I feel my eyes trickle with tears.

"We ran into trouble, an unpredictable attack from Vlad's men. They were watching him while we were watching you. We tried so hard to follow but they blocked our way and it turned bad...really bad but thankfully we didn't lose anyone, we managed to find you and I thought I was too late when I saw him on top of you and then I heard you sob and I just saw red, I'm sorry you had to witness what I did to him. I never wanted you to witness me killing someone"

He sits on the side of the bed placing his fingers lightly under my chin tilting my head up, he huffs. "We are getting to the bottom of Vlad, I promise. Since we just killed a lot of his men...he'll be coming for us and I don't want you to be in the middle of this, I don't want you getting hurt", his fingers slowly moves up past my jaw cupping at my cheek, I feel my heart stop as I look into his eyes. It's different. I feel different as I look into his once bright ocean eyes and now dark blue. 

"Do you accept my apology?", I nod not saying a word, I guess it could've gone worse. Relief washes over his face as he moves back to sit on the chair, "Come here", he holds his hand out as he leans back against the chair, opening up to me. I grab his hand and let him pull me up and onto his lap, without hesitation I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into the crook. His arms wrap around me like his life depends on it. 

We stay like this for a while, my arms around him feeling safe. Maybe I should trust him. He hasn't done what Vlad's men have done, but deep in my stomach I feel like I shouldn't trust a mafia boss but my heart is telling me different, as I feel the warmth spread. I want to tell him about the lady all up in his business and wanting me to get information but I have that doubt that she'll help me if my heart is the one telling lies. He lifts my head up to make eye contact with me, "You're going to Bali with Nick and a few others while I deal with this, I would've told D to go because Nick is one of my strongest gunmen but...I want someone to be there that you trust so I'll manage without him"

I feel my heart drop at the thought of not being close to him, "But what if something happens?", I'm in trust with Magic more since he saved me the other night from that awful man, I don't want to be miles away. Not unless I was going home and safe.

"Nothing will happen to you this time", he promises. 

"Not me...", I confess. 

He shakes his head, "Nothing will happen to me, I'll meet you in Bali", his eyes pleading with me to agree. "I'm not good on promises clearly but...I'll make sure to meet you in Bali and I'll cook you some more pasta and...other recipes I'd love you to try", he cups my cheek with his large hand. 

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