Chapter 2

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I feel tapping on my shoulder, My eyes flicker as I awaken, my head is throbbing. I open my eyes fully remembering what happened. My whole body aches. It's so dark in here, I don't know where I am. I sit up and lean against some type of wall. 

"You've been out for ages", a sweet delicate English accent says.

"Where am I?", I question the voice as I look into the darkness. 

"We're in a container...I think"

"A container?", I feel the bumpy wall behind me.

"Yeah, like a shipping container "

"How long have we been in here?"

"I think about a day"

My eyes are starting to adjust to the darkness, I look around trying to see anything to help at all. We're the only people in here. It smells like death in here and it's burning my eyes, I look down at my dress that was once white but now it's covered in dirt. 

"Where are they taking us?", I question.

"I'm not sure, I asked when they came in to give daily water and bread, they smacked me in the face and shouted in a different language", her voice shaky, scared. 

"How long have you been here?"

"Maybe a day before you or maybe longer", she wipes under her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Oh, What's your name?", I ask.

"Lizzy, what about you?"

"Charlotte" I say. I hear a loud click outside the container and the door swings open. The light blinding as it shines in, I cover my sensitive eyes. A tall masculine guy walks in, he has water and bread, he places it on the floor and walks back out. When he was walking back out I glared at the entrance, guys are holding AK-47s, I don't do anything because that would be stupid. Once the door closes I was met with darkness once again. Am I dreaming... I must be, this can't be happening. Nothing ever happens in Scotland, not where I live.

Time has past a lot, a couple of days maybe. I'm not to sure how many days but it feels like we've been in this container forever. I think we're moving, I don't know if it's a boat or lorry, It's confusing. Lizzy and I have become friends, we keep talking to keep ourselves sane, she told me all about her family. She has a loving mother, father and a younger brother which she'll probably never see again. I also learned that she was only sixteen which broke my heart. Only sixteen years old, that's crazy. I'm so scared of what will happen when they take us out of here and I'm so scared for Lizzy, way more than I'm scared for me. I'm not going to take anyone's shit just like I never have. I won't stop fighting and if they kill me then least I died trying.

I hear the loud click of the door again causing me to jump of fear out of my thoughts, I hate hearing the sound. I look at Lizzy and I could tell she was starting at me, I grasp her hand and interlocked our fingers hoping to calm her down.

"It's okay, we're going to be fine", I assure her.

The door swings open and four men walk in, two holding guns and the other two have ropes and blindfolds. I shimmed towards Lizzy and look towards her, our eyes locking. One of the men holding the gun says something in a different language and laughs and before I knew it a fist comes to my face and I see complete darkness once again.

Jumping from my sleep, I shoot up in pain from being sprayed down with a big powerful hose. I winch in pain with the water pressure smacking of my skin. When they stop spraying me, I stand there soaked in my dress, it's now sticking to my body making my body a little visible, "Take your clothes off", the man with the hose shouts with an accent, he sounds Russian.

"Fuck you", I snarl. 

He starts spraying me again with the hose making me scream in pain, he stops and shouts again "do it!", I can tell my words made him angry. 

I stare at him for a few seconds before slipping my dress off my wet body. I stand there in my panties and heels, my body shaking because I'm cold and terrified at what may happen, I won't allow them to see that I'm scared, "All of it", he says eyeing my body. I bent down taking my heels off, I throw them to the side before slipping off my panties. I'm now standing completely naked in front of this man, hiding my fear.

"Come with me", he demands. 

We walk into a massive room filled with dog like cages, we walk past cages down a narrow path.  I look into the cages when walking past and girls are sitting in them, there are thousands of cages here. I hear crying and shouting from all directions, so many girls they've taken, so many woman they've hurt. The man comes to a stop and opens a cage, "Get in", he says and my stomach turns, I think I may be sick.

"No", I spit. "Where's the girl I was with?", I ask. I hope Lizzy is okay, I can't see her anywhere.

He grabs the back of my neck pushing me in, I fall to the ground grazing my knees and elbow. I hear him locking the cage up and walking away. I turn to my side and see a woman starting at me through the bars.

"You're going to go fast", she scoffs holding her knees to her chest to cover her body.


"Well, you're really pretty so you'll be picked or they'll kill you with that attitude of yours. My advice is don't say a word and follow their rules"

I look away and stare at the cage door, I can't even stand up in this cage. It's horrible and smells. I don't move my eyes off the cage door for about twenty minutes. Many scenarios and idea are going through my head. What if they kill me straight away, what if I never see my friends, Harper and Ava. Or what if I never see my mum again, what if this it my life now. I could find a way back to them but I'd need the right moment. 

My thoughts are broken when my cage all of sudden opens, I must have zoned out because I never seen anyone outside my cage. The man grabs me, placing his hand on the back on my neck forcing me out the cage. He drags me into a room with clothes and loads of mirrors around.

"Change and don't try run, or you'll be killed", he glares at me. I know he is not kidding so I know this isn't the window I'm looking for. He walks out the room closing the door behind him.


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