Chapter 20

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I open my eyes slowly wondering where I am, am I dead? I sit up and my eyes set on the concrete floor, my fingertips press against something soft. I look down realising I'm sat on a single bed, clean sheets but it's a bed you'd see in prison. "You're finally up", I hear the Texas voice say.

My eyes ping in the direction of the voice, I'm behind steel bars and he's sat at the other side on a chair. My chest feels heavy, like I'm in need of a cry but the tears don't come. My eyes roam the little cell I'm in, a toilet and a bed...that's all. "How are you feeling?", he leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees. 

I can't find my voice, is this punishment? Did Magic finally have enough and throw me in here? I look down to my hands, they're trembling slightly. I'm in new clothes, just a pair of pajamas. Did they get Isabella to change me or did one of the men? "Charlotte?", he says gaining my attention. I meet his gloomy eyes, "Are you okay?" 

"Where am I?", I speak. My throat feels like sandpaper. 

He looks around the room, like trying to find the most comforting answer. "This is where we keep people sometimes?"

"Women?", I croak out. 

He shakes his head, "You'd be the first, normally men that Magic captures, rapists and things...mostly Vlad's men"

I gulp hoping to give moisture to my dry throat, "Where is he?", I ask.

He sighs, "In his office, drinking most likely. He's having a hard time, Charlotte. You shouldn't provoke him"

"Provoke him!", I raise my voice, it cracks and by that he can tell how hurt I am about this. I was locked up in a dog cage before, this is like the same thing. "I don't have sympathy for him, if that's what you're looking for"

He sighs, "He goes through a lot, he thinks this is the right thing to do right now. He didn't have the break in Bali like he wanted, the trip was too short"

"Can't you talk to him? Do you think keeping me in here like a dog is the right thing to do?"

He shakes his head, "It's not my say, Charlotte. My loyalties lye with him"

"He speaks to you like shit, treats everyone like shit and you still stay loyal to him?"

"Whatever you think it's like, it's not. He supports me, he supports and protects everyone that works for him and we protect him...we're like a family. We have ten funerals in the next two weeks, Magic doesn't take losing men lightly, and losing one took it lightly, he was an annoying little brother to all of us", His voice breaks as he speaks of Demetrius. 

I fiddle with my fingers feeling a wave of emotions wash over me, "How long will he punish me for?"

"I don't know", he simply says. "He likes you, Charlotte but right now...his mental health isn't the greatest and we've all noticed his none stop drinking recently but we have to respect his decisions until he can pull himself together. He wanted me to check if you're okay and he wants you to eat"

Even thinking about eating right now makes me want to be sick, I shake my head in response. "Any request? I can get whatever food you want?"

"Because food will make me feel better?"

"Sometimes It makes me feel better", he says after a beat of silence. I scoff and lay back down, facing the concrete wall. I don't feel like talking right now and I definitely don't feel like eating. "Charlotte, don't be like that", He gruffly says. I can tell in his voice that he cares for me, I feel like him and Isabella are the only ones that truly care for me. I can see it in their eyes, and eyes don't lie.

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