Chapter 42

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Charlotte's POV

I stare blankly at the wall ahead, it sure is a hideout. We just kept driving further and further away, reading the signs as they pass, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois... I stopped paying attention after a few days maybe it was even longer. We drove day and night, night and day, only stopped a number of times to have toilet breaks, eat and have quick naps, well mine were longer than Nicks. I begun to pay attention when we ended up at a quiet airstrip and got into a private jet. It was cold when we touched down, I wasn't quite sure where we were until I asked Nick and he told me that we're in Alaska. Nick and I didn't talk much throughout the trip, I went into a pretty depression state of mind after Beth checked me over and said we were all clear to go, I think Nick picked up on this because I'd feel him watching me when we ate, slept and sat in silence, he even tried making conversation but all I could think about was how Harper and Ava are doing. I'm back to having zero communication with everyone and I hate it.

We've been in this cabin for around a week now and all I've done is sleep and taken long baths, I'm not really sure what to do with myself with no internet, I've not got much entertainment neither, puzzles, crossword puzzles, vinyl record music which is pretty old and board games. Nick sits on the couch all day doing crossword puzzles, I'm sure he's bored because...that's boring. He tried getting me to do a puzzle with him but I'd rather stare at the ceiling in the bathtub or at the blank wall in my bedroom. The cabin was stocked up on food and clothes so I'm guessing Magic was always preparing for a moment like this, the thing that makes me sadder living here is that it's his clothes I've been wearing and I feel like I'll never see him again. 

I hear a knock on my bedroom door, "Come in", I say keeping my eyes glued to the wall.

"I made dinner", Nick tells me.

"Okay, I'm coming", I say and sit for a few moments more before joining him at the table. Mostly every day since being here we have only said a handful of words at this table, I don't think he cares all that much that we don't speak at the table, I don't care too. 

Nick scoffs down his mashed potatoes as I pick at the veg on my plate, I've not had much of an appetite either but I try and I get to finishing eventually. "Eat up", Nick says with a mouthful before taking a few gulps of his beer. 

I stick my fork into broccoli and put it into my mouth, I must admit, Nick is a good cook but it won't compare to anything that Magic has made me. "You need to start eating more or Magic will take my head off thinking I don't feed you", he says pointing his fork my way.  

"Sorry", I apologise. 

He sighs putting his cutlery down onto the plate, "Don't be sorry", his accent shines through. "What is it huh? Is it the girls?", he scratches his beard. I shrug my shoulders in response and he continues, it's definitely the girls, "When I was having a smoke I received some news"

"What kind of news?", I ask. 

"Got a letter in...". he pauses unsure what to say or how to say it, "Ava is fine, she broke her leg but she's recovering fast"

I let out a smile for the first time, "And Harper?", I ask.

He clears his throat, "Harper had a haemorrhage, the crash must have caused it but she also had a shot wound on her shoulder"

"Had?", my voice quiet. 

His elbows hits the table and his hand comes up to his mouth, "Harper passed a few days ago, they tried everything they possible could so they let her pass peacefully in her own time", as he sees my eyes begin to well up he continues, "She had her family by her side, we made sure of it. I'm sorry for your loss Charlotte", he sympathises.

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