Chapter 44

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Charlotte's POV

I slowly dip my spoon into my soup as I reminisce what had happened just a few hours ago between Magic and I, I haven't felt that level of satisfaction in a long time which was the last time I slept with Magic. It seems so long ago when I was kidnapped and thought I was doomed in life, I really thought I would get someone like Vladimir and be treated ten times worse than Magic treated me, which wasn't great in the beginning but yet again, I wasn't great either. I tried to find any possible way to piss him off because my mindset was stuck in death, my thoughts were to make his life a living hell like the way mines was going...not that it's great now because now I'm down a best friend and I'm currently in hiding so in reality my life couldn't get any better.

"What's with the face? Is the soup shit?", Magic asks and it makes me chuckle. 

I shake my head, "No, I was just thinking that my life couldn't get any better", I press my lips together. 

His eyes narrow at my words, "Sarcasm?", he asks and I nod in response. "I know it isn't exactly the best but I promise it'll get better in time, we won't have to hide out anymore...this will be the last time", he looks down to his soup. 

"What have you done with Magic?", It's now my turn to narrow my eyes at him. 

He lets out a small laugh, "What do you mean?"

"Nice words, reassuring and...I don't know, not angry", I almost whisper the last part. 

"I wasn't angry before"

"Yeah right", I laugh. 

"Okay, I was but I now realise that it won't get me anywhere and that anger has put us into hiding because I couldn't help myself and let my impulses take over"

I nod in agreement, "Well, I like this Magic...", I drink the soup off my spoon, "Does this Magic also tell the truth?"

"He does when necessary"

 "Okay...", I hesitate, "Are you going to tell me how you got out of prison?", I question. I still don't know how he got out so fast.

"I used a little perusing and maybe caused a riot in my block which was a lot worse cause we were already in lockdown, it took a lot of fighting and running but it wasn't only me that got out and not only my block were fighting", he sighs, "I managed to convince the guard to power down the prison for a few moments to unlock gates and voila, now I'm here"

"Surely it isn't that easy", I question more.

"No, it sounds easy but it wasn't", he points to his bruised up face, "This probably shows it wasn't all that easy but to be honest I got where I needed to be and that's all that matters"

I give a coy smile and he sits across the table in front of me, he reaches over gripping at my hand, "I promise life won't always be like this...with me, I'll give you a good life, a clean one. We'll settle where ever your heart desires"

I feel my cheeks begin to heat up, a clean and good life. He has been in the mafia life since he was born and he would give it up for me. I ask just to make sure, "You mean no more mafia?", I mumble and look down to my soup. 

He is quiet for a few moments, he leans back on his chair with a sigh as he lets go of my hand, "I'm still a boss..." he informs "Clean as isn't illegal, I'll make it legit and we won't have to worry"

"Okay", I nod, I understand he still has to be their boss but at least we won't need to worry about anyone killing anyone or being kidnapped. 

"Baby", he says and I glance up. "I promise to stay out of trouble after this little hiccup", he reassures me. 

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