Chapter 6

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"I know. I-I couldn't sleep", I stutter. I wanted my voice to be firm and collected to show him that I'm not scared but as his fierce eyes are piercing into mine, my voice was nothing how I wanted it to be.

"I can't help that", he says. His eyes not leaving mine once again, making me feel like something on the bottom of his shoe. I hate the way he looks at me, It makes me feel uneasy. I never know what will come out his mouth. I don't say anything just stand still like an idiot. He moves to the side to let me inside his room which surprises me, "Come in then", he bluntly speaks. 

I walk slowly into his room, with my eyes curiously looking over everything. My surroundings are dark red walls and black wooden floors. He has a huge king sized bed with black silk sheet that look no where near as comfortable as the one back at my apartment in Scotland. A dark wood ottoman sits at the foot of the bed, I wonder what he keeps in it. There are dark stained oak bedside tables at each side of the bed with a lamp on them. To the left is an archway of a walk in closet and to my right is a huge door. I'm assuming it was the bathroom door but you can never be too sure in my situation. He has a black sofa to the side facing the wall where a huge flat screen tv hung. This room was beautiful but dark and mysterious, it was bigger than my apartment back in Scotland that's for sure. 

Magic walks by me and sits on the sofa to my right, he continues watching tv, I follow and sit down leaving a space between us, It's like I'm not even in the room with him. "Why Magic? Like why that name?", I asked out of curiosity

He looks my way, "Because I can make things disappear"

"As in what?" I ask, trying to dip deeper. What the hell does that even mean. 

"Things and people, with just a click of a finger", he clicks his finger with a deadpan expression like he's being one hundred percent serious. "Now go to sleep", his full attention pings back to the tv after demanding me to sleep.

"I can't sleep"

He turns off the tv with a sigh of frustration before grabbing my hand dragging me towards the bed. He pushes me onto the bed putting silk sheet over me. He disappears behind the mysterious door, I assume it's a bathroom. I watch as he closes the door behind him after turning off the light, It is a bathroom. He walks back towards me, only wearing boxer shorts, I'd be lying If I said he wasn't a beautiful man because he is. A tattoo covers his entire chest, it looks like handguns crossing over with a skull in the middle. He's filled with tattoos but the most intimidating one is the teardrop below his eye. He strides with such power as if he rules the world, he won't rule the world after I find a way to stop everything he's doing. I just need to get under his skin enough for him to trust me and then I can plan an escape from there. He rounds the bed pulling back the silk sheet and climbing in. He lays on his back without a word and rests his arms at the back of his head. He reaches over pulling the string to the lamp, the room falls dark and I'm suddenly aware of the silence. As I stare at him I can tell even through the darkness that his eyes aren't closed, he's peering up at the ceiling, deep in thought...I think, he's really hard to read. He likes keeping up his guard, that I can read. I turn flat on my back with my arms at my side doing the same thing he is doing, staring at the ceiling. 

"Why are you the boss of a mafia?" I finally break the silence, I feel his head turn to look at me but I keep my eyes on the ceiling.  

"We're not a mafia", he replies and look away from me. 

"So, a gang?"

"Go to sleep", he says as if it's my last warning. I decide not to ask anymore questions because I know he could easily hurt me and he's too strong to fight off. I close my eyes and turn away from him, I let sleep take over me after hours of fighting it. I don't think I'll sleep good until I'm out this place.  

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