Chapter 45

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Charlotte's POV

I wipe down my white dress as I stare into the mirror, the past six years have flown by since everything happened and today he is finally being released...that's right you heard correctly. After what happened with Magic's father he stood in front of a judge as they yet again called out all of his crimes but this time, Magic wanted to go back to set things right. He wanted to prove to me that he has changed, he wanted a better life...a calm one from the chaotic one he was once living in. He's a different man and we've come so far in the relationship, sure we've had arguments but which couple doesn't, one thing I'm glad about is that we're both mature enough to communicate and realise our wrongs to make it right, which we couldn't before so I guess we've both matured.

I've been visiting Magic for six years now and we're finally going to be a couple in the real world... with real worries. My palms are sweaty as I think about being a "real" couple, the excitement, the relief, I've just never been happier. I continue lost in my own reflection trying to make sure I look perfect, it's a big day and it's all we have romanticised about for the past six years.

Someone clears their throat behind me and my eyes find them in the mirror, "Hey, are you ready?", Ava cheerfully speaks. 

Ava changed her life around since Harper passed away, she enrolled in Med school and she graduated last year, and she said it was the best decision she has made yet the hardest. She went through thick and thin just to graduate and now she's loving her job because she gets to save lives, some days it takes a toll because she cant save everybody's life. Ava met her husband in the programme, it took one year for him to win her heart because she was rather stubborn at first, she continued to say that she isn't looking for a relationship and wanted to focus on school because it was important to her. After dating for two years Charles popped the question on their romantic get away to Rome, I remember getting the phone call from Ava, she balled all night long, so Charles says. I'm just glad I had the honour to help him pick the ring she would like and being her maid of honour, it was such a beautiful wedding. Two years into the marriage and they're still happier as ever as if they just met. Ava says moving to New York together was the best decision we had ever made, I agree. 

Me on the other hand, I got an office job. Lame I know but after Magic went to prison and Ava had Med school I didn't want to sit at home with my thoughts. I tried to get my job back at Starbucks but they weren't looking for staff so when we moved I tried an office job and I've been there since, I enjoy it. I enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and my colleagues are nice, it keeps my mind off Harper, she creeps in every now and then, good thoughts, I try to ignore the ugly ones. I've had two promotions since being at this job so I'm obviously doing something right, my boss didn't like me at first but she must have seen potential after I put my head down to focus and keeping myself organised, she has jokingly questioned about me being her assistant but I don't know how I feel about that and if she was even being serious.

I take a deep breath before letting out a huge smile, "I'm ready",  I walk away from the mirror and stop before looking back at my refection. 

You've come so far, you've survived the worst. You're a survivor and now it's time to take on life with every obstacle that comes my way, I will never back down, I will never stop trying to keep a positive mindset...for myself, for Magic, for Ava and most of all...Harper, My subconscious speaks. I smile once more before looking away and following Ava out the front door.

I pull up into the parking lot in my Hyundai Creta, I dropped Ava off at work because she was paged in as I was dropping her off at home before coming to meet Magic at the doors of the prison. It's such a big day and I'm excited yet so incredible terrified. We were both different people before Magic went to prison and him being released makes it much more real. I step out my car and wait by my car, I stare at the doors waiting anxiously for them to open.

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