Chapter 17

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Charlotte's POV

I sit motionless as picking at my grey robe as a woman does my hair, I got told to sit down by Nick and let her trim and style my hair for Magic's club opening. In all fairness I would rather lay in bed than go anywhere with Magic on a Friday night but whatever. I'm nervous, I can't deny that. It's because I'll be surrounded by drunk people and the last time I went to a club I got kidnapped by some guy and sold off to Magic so I have a right to be nervous, okay I'm actually terrified. My stomach is churning thinking about going to the club, but Magic has bodyguards and as much as I hate him and most the people that work for him, they have never groped or done anything to make me feel the way I did when I was hosed down and thrown in a cage, those people have no humanity. 

I look up to the mirror in front of me and the gorgeous woman smiles at me through the very clean mirror, she has light freckles that trail across her nose and onto her cheekbones. Her hair is strawberry blonde with large curls as if she's run her fingers through her hair after using a curling wand. Her makeup is extremely light and not full coverage at all, you can tell she loves her natural skin, as she should it's beautiful. She has this vibrant red lipstick that's matte. I study her face as she focuses on style my hair, she licks her lips and a dimple appears. Her lipstick still in tact after running her tongue over her lips. I'm not even sure what her name is, I think I heard Nick call her Claire. 

"Do you always work for Magic or is this a one time thing?", I strike a conversation, she's been rather quiet which is making my nerves worse, I've been thinking about a lot as the silence clouded us in this near empty room. Only oak wooden floors and white walls that fill the room, no furniture in site except the gigantic mirrored wall in front of me and the chair I'm sitting on. I wonder why he has an empty room just sitting here. There is a large window to my left that gives an amazing view of the back garden, it's large. Filled with plants, hedges and a large pool. He clearly has a gardener. I'm pretty sure there is a garden to the far right, with benches. 

"I always work for Magic, I cut everyone's hair here, anyone that works for him really", she lightly shrugs, happy to answer my question. 

I wonder if he has slept with her? She's really pretty so I wouldn't put it past me. Hell I would sleep with her, she tall and looks like a runway model. She smiles at me again, "He isn't what he seems", she tells me. "And no, I haven't slept with him. He's not my type and I'm pretty sure I'm not his", she shoots me a friendly smile. How did she know what I was thinking.

I muster a smile back, I've been trying to forget about that moment with Magic a few days ago. I went into his office with great intentions to annoy him yet I ended up fucking him. I hate that I did that, It was an impulsive act that I will not do again. I'm trying to find an escape yet he kisses me and now I've done the nasty with him, I make no sense. At first I was flirting with him to try get what I want and I did kind of get that but I ended up wanting more when he touched me which was really, really good and it felt amazing but I will not under any circumstances do that with him again or tell him that I liked it. Wait, maybe if I continue to flirt with him and gain his trust I'll continue to get what I want which is to go home, I believe that it isn't safe right now but whose to say he'll forever use that excuse. I do feel slightly awkward around him but my confidence always comes alive with him.

"You've got gorgeous hair by the way", she compliments me. I feel flattered that someone as pretty as her has just complimented me. 

"Thank you", I coyly smile and look down to my thighs. 

She squirts something onto her hand and rubs her hands together before running her fingers through my hair, she steps back to take a look at my hair before looking at me in the mirror again, "Your hair is all done", she takes the gown from around my neck and begins to fold it back into her bag. 

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