Chapter 7

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Madeline 15
Ethan 28

Hey little Lin-Lin, how's it going. Haven't seen you in a while." Max picks me up from behind and I yelp. Yes it's the same Max that tried to make a move on me many moons ago. Turns out his name is Maximus and since then we have become best friends despite of Austin's opinion. Max, after the whole story, came to pester me everyday since he met me. One day I just snapped and threw him against a car, he was so shocked he promised to never bother me again. Needless to say the next day he just followed me around without saying anything, annoying the hell out of Austin and it amused me so much. He did this for about a week and then when we were eating lunch and then he sang a cheesy song asking me to be his friends. I laughed so hard and Austin look liked he wanted to die, of course after all that I couldn't say no. And since then me, Austin and Max became best friends. "Not my fault you haven't seen me. You wanted to go on that warrior camp, how was that by the way?" He really has built up alot of muscle and now that we are in high school I have no doubt that girls will swoon over him. "It was amazing I was top of the class, I kicked ass!" I giggled at his silly dance moves. "Everyone's butt except mine dumass!" Austin tackles Max to the ground. You hear Max mumble curse words. "Hey no cursing around me!" I hate curse words. Both of them look sheepishly at me and apologize. Austin hits Max in the ribs. "Fine! Me and Austin shared top rank at the warrior camp." It looks like his ego deflated when he said that. "Hey don't give me that look, Auzzie is of beta blood, you should be glad that you two tie on first place, you should keep up Auz. Sooner he will be stronger than you." A small smirk lines my lips and Austin's mouth falls to the ground and I walk towards the school. It's our first day in high school and I can't wait to start.

We are currently in the Big Hall, every student is sitting in order of our homeroom classes and you can hear the excitement from everyone. "Students please settle down. I now present you your headmaster, Mr Montgomery." The students clap while a man that looks in his late 40's steps on the stage. "Welcome to another year of high school. To the new students, I want to welcome you and hope that your high school years are filled with lots of memories and hopefully most of them good. Now I would like to welcome someone special to come and say a few words. He needs no introduction, please come on stage Alpha." A few gasp is heard and my heart begins to beat fast when I see him on the stage. Our eyes lock and he smiles. I know he is looking at me, because he only gives that look to me. "Thank you headmaster for inviting me. I want each and eveyone to give their best, this is your future that you are building and it is alread starting. Some of you will find your mates, or get into that dream college. Just remind yourself to enjoy every moment. Thank you." Everyone cheers for him and naturally all the girls are all giggly. I mean how can they not, Ethan is like a greek god for heavens sake. With his black hair and piercing green eyes, who could resist not having a mini crush on him. All the girls want him and all the boys want to be him.

After everything we leave to go have an early break. "Hurry! The Alpha is still in the cafeteria greeting everyone, oh how I wana shake his hand. Oeh maby he wil be my mate!" A soft growl escapes me, and shock me a little as I heard the girls talk about Ethan. "Easy little Mad, they are not going to even toutch your Ethan." And now I blush like there is no tomorrow. "He is not MY Alpha, he is everyone's Alpha. It's just that..." No matter how I want to construct that sentence, it will come out the same, that I like Ethan. Austin just smirks at this. "What? Wolf caught your tung?" I punch him in the stomach and walk away. "Ahw come one Mad, I was just joking. Come on don't walk away from me like that!"
I bump into someone's chest but before I could toutch the ground someone catches me and by his scent I know it is the Ethan. I felt some buzzing feeling, but I am just imagining things. I knew I felt this buzzing for a long time when he touches me. No one knows about it. "A.. Alpha, I am sorry for my tardiness." Calling hin Alpha feels wierd. I try to calm my heartbeat, but that had a mind of his own right now as I stare into my green maze. He told me to always look him in the eyes no matter the situation. The students are staring at us, some with fear, because I mean I just bumped into the most fearsome Alpha besides the Alpha king, Ethan is basically nobility. "No worries, you should watch where you are going in the future. Don't want you badly hurt now do we?" Averting my gaze to the ground I mumble sorry to him. "Well then I will be off to work, I do have a very, very important appointment later today I do not want to miss so do forgive me, but I do have to go now."
"Of course, Alpha." He looks at me one more time before he leaves the school.

Heavens how many time am I going to blush today, you would think that my body knows how to hide them, but no! Just blushes like crazy for the world to see, gee thanks body. "Oeh la la little Lin-Lin having some Alpha time hey!" Max is laughing his head off. He doesn't know I know the Alpha on a personal level, we are good friends yes, but that information is classified. "Stop it Max! You don't want me to call you maxi pad do you?" He pales, "Please no, I am sorry my queen please forgive my mouth it has a mind on its own and we are young. Forgive us!" Austin's dramatic ways is staring to rub on Max to much for my liking. Two dramatical boys, I mean come on aren't I suppose to be the dramatical one?
"Fine fine, all is forgiven just please stop being all dramatical." And just like that the boy who looked like he is weeping gives a million dollar smile.
"Gee Maximus, give Mad a little break. You are going to make her go mad and the day has not even begun yet." Austin and Max begins to argue among themselves, totally oblivious that I am still here.

This year is going to be interesting, besides I'm 15 years old, it's the year my wolf will make herself present.



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