Chapter 67

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Ella woke up, her body sore from all the torture Brendon had put her through last night. She was still in bed, currently trapped by Brendon's arm.

As she laid there, she would listen to Brendon's incoherent mumbles and wince whenever he would pull her closer to him. He had done too much damage to her. 

Ella wanted to cry and scream for help, but her whole body had shut down, completely giving up on her and her requests. She wanted all of this madness to end before her father died.

In fact, she had no idea, if her father was still alive or not since she wasn't allowed to bring him up anymore. Ella thought about the last time she saw him, lying helplessly on the cold, cement floor.

She shivered, feeling Brendon's hand move around her upper body. He groaned, then moved closer to her to place his lips right by her ear. "Good morning, baby."

His raspy voice vibrated through his chest, making him sound a bit scarier than he had been before. Ella stayed quiet, only to have Brendon's fingernails dig into her side. She cried out in pain.

"What do you say when somebody greets you? It's not too hard." Her eyes burned, the tears getting ready to fall.

Ella blinked them away, then took a deep breath. "G-Good morning, B-Bren." He smirked, loving the fact that Ella was scared. Brendon had won the power over her and he was going to make sure that that power would stay.

"So, I was thinking that today, we could go visit your poor, old man." Ella's eyes widened. She didn't know if she wanted to see him due to how much pain she had caused him. 

Ella bit her lip as Brendon began to trail kisses down her neck. "Get dressed. We'll be leaving in ten minutes and if you're not ready, we're not going."


Brendon pulled up into his driveway, opening his door to take a deep breath of fresh air. He smiled, knowing that Ella would do whatever he wanted after seeing what condition her father was in.

Nervously chewing on her fingernails, Ella got out of the car, looking at the front of the house that had started it all. Brendon looked over at her and smirked, winking when she made eye contact with him.

"Ready to go in, sweetheart, or are we just going to stand out here and look around?" Ella nodded, then watched as Brendon walked over to her, holding out his hand for her.

As much as she didn't want him to touch her, even when holding hands, Ella had to, if she wanted her father to live. 

Together, they walked into the house, and made their way into the all too familiar basement. The dollhouse door was wide open, but Luke was nowhere to be seen. 

Ella's stomach dropped from all the anxiety as they inched closer to the dollhouse. Brendon went in first, smirking at the sight of Luke. He had done it. He had broke him.

Ella gasped, looking at her father, who was on the verge of death. "Dad!" She ran over, kneeling beside him, tears falling down her cheek. "I-I'm so sorry." 

Luke slowly placed his hand on her cheek, smiling softly as he wiped away her tears. "I-I'm not leaving you anytime soon, El. We're gonna get through this."

Brendon rolled his eyes, then pushed his body off the wall, making his way towards Ella. "So, are we done with this sob story or what? It was fun to watch for the first thirty seconds."

He looked down at Ella, a glare in his eyes told her to back away from her father, which she did soon after.

"W-Why did you b-bring her here with you? I-I thought y-you were coming a-alone." Brendon shook his head, pulling Ella closer by her waist. 

"Oh, no. I think she should have a say in our little deal, Luke."

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