Chapter 30

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The longer Ella sat there, the more uncomfortable she grew. With the information Brendon had just told her, she didn't know if she was to enjoy all the attention she was getting or not.

Brendon sighed, sitting down in the chair across from her, knowing that what he had just told her was processing in her head. He knew that he would have to prove to her that he wasn't planning on hurting her. 

"So, do you have anymore questions, Ella?" She hesitantly shook her head, backing up in her chair until she could feel some of the harsh wood digging into her skin. Brendon clenched his jaw, leaning forward, so his arms rested on his legs.

"Ella, I've told you that you have nothing to be afraid of. I wouldn't dare hurt you." Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She knew that what he said wasn't true. Oh, she knew how he was going to enjoy damaging her. 

"That's not true. You're gonna kill me, Brendon. You might as well just get it over with cause I could tell by the looks in your eyes that you're dying to damage me."

Brendon's eyes went wide, and his hand ran nervously through his hair. "Ella, that's not true! How many fucking times do I have to say it?! I fucking love you, ok? I would never intend to do some shit to you at all."

And with that, Brendon cut her loose from the ropes, then made his way upstairs. He was upset that he had messed everything up between them. If he hadn't told her about his dolls, then none of this would be happening. 

Ella stayed in the basement, afraid that Brendon might yell at her for coming upstairs. Sighing, she stood up, rubbing around her wrists to stop the pain. 

While she began to pace back and forth, Brendon hoped that Ella would come up. He wanted to apologize for just walking out on her, leaving her in the dark basement. 

"Forgive me, Ella. I'm sorry I fucked up everything." He placed his head down on the table, feeling all the regret and guilt catching up to him. That's when he decided that it was time to let go.

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