Chapter 46

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On that same day, Luke went all around town, asking people if they had seen either his daughter or Brendon, but to his luck, no one had. 

Now sitting down on a park bench with his face in his hands, Luke had tried with all his might to find where his daughter could be. He felt a wave of sadness hit him.

His daughter, who was in her late teen years, was with a psychotic maniac, who could be anywhere at the moment. As he sat there, trying to get an idea at where Ella could be,  Luke immediately came up with where she might be.


Luke drove down the familiar street that Ella's mom used to live on. The 'for sale' sign was still on the front lawn, reminding him that his ex-wife was not around anymore.

Pulling over on the curb, just across the street from the house, Luke got out, taking a deep breath. He looked around, breathing in the cool air.

He began walking over to the neighbor's house, praying that they would have some sort of answer to where Brendon and Ella could be. 

As Luke stepped on the porch, the wood boards shifted, making a creaking noise. Ringing the doorbell, Luke looked around the peaceful street. He always loved it around this part of town.

Finally, the door opened, revealing Mr. Malone. He looked quite shocked at the fact that Luke was standing in front of him at the moment.

"Hello, Mr. Wilson. It's been quite some time since I've seen you." Luke gave Mr. Malone a guilty smile, taking a deep breath in.

"Yeah, I know. The last time I was around here was Christmas of last year. Anyway, Ella was taken by this man named Brendon Urie. I was wondering if you knew where I could find him."

Mr. Malone furrowed his eyebrows, nudging his head towards the house just across the street from his. "That's where he lives. I knew that there was something up with that man since the day he moved in. I hope you find Ella, Mr. Wilson."

Luke gave a soft smile, then nodded. "I hope so, too. Thank you, for the help, Mr. Malone."

While leaving Mr. Malone's house, Luke pulled out his phone, quickly typing in the three numbers that everyone knew all too well. Nine-one-one.

Holding the phone up to his ear, it didn't take long for the police chief to pick up the phone. "This is the Michigan state police department, how may I help you?"

Luke sighed, looking at Brendon's house address. "Hello. My name is Luke Wilson and recently, I was shot in the leg by a man named Brendon Urie. While I was knocked out, he took my daughter with him."

The police chief clicked his tongue, listening to every word Luke was saying. "May I ask you where this Brendon Urie lives?"

"Yes. He lives on eighty-one ninety-seven Morgan Street." The police chief wrote it down, nodding his head at every word. "Alright, sir. We'll send some squad cars over right now."

With a quick 'thank you', Luke hung up the phone, easing his mind. He would soon have hisown daughter back in his arms. 

Just as he began to walk back to his car to wait for the police, a loud 'bang' was heard from behind him. A sudden pain errupted in his right shoulder.

Luke looked at it, noticing the crimson spot soaking through his jacket. Looking behind him, he found Brendon holding the gun out in front of him, a tall man standing beside him.

"Sorry, Mr. Wilson, but this all ends now. Your daughter is mine and only mine. I don't give two shits about what you have to say about it."

That's when everything went black.

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