Chapter 48

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The police arrived at the scene, noticing the blood splattered on the street near Luke's vehicle. All the neighbors were out of their houses, discussing what could've happened.

Mr. Malone had been talking to the police, telling them about the last time he had seen Luke and what they talked about. That's when the police walked over to Brendon's house.

The doorbell rang while Brendon was making dinner. He cursed under his breath and told Ella to go upstairs and to not come out until he said so.

Calmly walking over to the door, Brendon fixed his hair and made sure that he didn't seem too jumpy about anything.

Opening the door, Brendon was met face to face with two officers, whom didn't look too happy. "Hello, Mr. Urie. I'm Officer Brown and this is Officer Jim. We've heard that you may have seen Ms. Ella Knight.May we come in?"

Brendon gave them a curt nod, then stepped to the side, allowing them to enter his house. "So, we're just going to check around the house, if you don't mind. By the looks of it, you look like a nice man. That man across the street was kind of a psycho."

Brendon chuckled, sweat rolling down the side of his face. "Ah, you must be talking about Mr. Malone. Yeah, he's known for telling random lies here and there."

Officer Brown nodded, then began to look around downstairs, while Officer Jim checked upstairs. 

Brendon began to feel pressure as he stood there, waiting to see if Jim had found Ella. Oh, how he prayed that Ella hid somewhere good. 

"Hey, Kevin! I need you to come see this!" Brendon felt cold. What did Officer Jim find? Officer Brown sighed, rolling his eyes. "Excuse me for a moment, Mr. Urie."

Brendon watched as Officer Brown walked upstairs, into the room where Officer Jim was. A few minutes later, they both walked downstairs, Jim saying something into his walkie-talkie.

"Well, your home is clear, Mr. Urie. Have a nice night. Oh, and you may want to check your pasta sauce. I think you may have over cooked it."

Brendon nervously laughed and waved the officers goodbye, the pressure lifting off his body. "Ella, sweetheart, you're free to come out now!" 

He went back to check on the sauce, sighing as he turned off the stove. A few minutes had passed and Ella still wasn't downstairs. Brendon began to worry, quickly running upstairs to find her.

"Ella, sweetheart? Where are you?" He heard her whimper from what seemed to be their bedroom, then ran in to find her. 

Low and behold, Ella sat on the floor in front of the closet, holding her leg. Brendon ran over and bent down, looking into her eyes. 

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" Ella bit her lip and nodded, only to have Brendon roll his eyes. 

"Please, don't lie to me." He removed her hands from her leg, then gasped at the sight of the bruise that started to form on her leg.

"Oh, my god! What happened?" Ella sniffed, rubbing the tears off her cheeks. "O-One of the officers p-pushed t-that container o-onto m-me."

Brendon growled, shaking his head angrily. "Well, baby, you'll be alright. They're gone." Ella nodded, then stood up, biting her lip in pain. 

Brendon noticed this and picked her up, carrying her downstairs. "Don't worry, princess. I've got you."

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