Chapter 37

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One week went by, and Ella was not ready for whenever Brendon decided to come and take her back. At random times, she would feel the need to tell her family, but then remembered that she couldn't.

If you think about it, it's a lose/lose situation for her. Meanwhile, Brendon was ready to have Ella back. He missed having her in the same place as him and waking up, knowing that she was his.

But, sadly, since Mr. Wilson was on his case, Brendon had to go through with this plan or everything would go south.

For the past week, Brendon could feel himself start to go insane. He would have these lucid daydreams. Whenever he would snap out of these daydreams, he would either be in the bathroom or back in the old doll house.

Once, he found himself covered in blood, yet he hadn't cut himself. Brendon never learned where the blood came from, but wherever it came from was probably still around the house somewhere.

Anyway, whenever Ella would make her way to the bus stop, she would do her best to stay as far away as she could from Brendon's house. She knew he was watching.

Knowing him, Ella knew that he wouldn't be hesitant on taking her back and that's what scared her the most. Her family was now extremely protective over her.

The security cameras were now up and the police were on speed dial.

Everything seemed normal as soon as Ella returned, except the fact that Brendon was planning to kill her family. Even though she didn't tell her family anything, Brendon thought that he knew what she was doing in that house.

He thought that Ella was loud mouthing everything, spilling every single detail of his plan to her family, but that was the exact opposite of what she was doing.

So, today, Brendon Urie murdered Ms. Knight. Unfortunately for him, Mr. Wilson got away. Brendon now towered over the limp body of Ms. Knight, his head twitching ever so slightly.

The bloody knife was held firmly in his gloved hand as he stood there, his hatred for Ella's family getting in the way filling the room.

After barely catching any sleep the night before, Brendon began to think about crazy endings to this. Choosing one, he dropped the knife on the white carpet, picking up the limp body of Ms. Knight, then carried her out the door.


Three o'clock, the time Ella gets home from school. As she happily walked down the street, she could sort of tell that the atmosphere around her had changed once she got closer to her house.

She started to pick up the pace, soon finding herself running towards her house. Once she got on the porch, she found the front door cracked open, only leaving her to wonder what had happened.

"Mom? Hello?" The floor boards creaked as she took a step. Ella made her way to the kitchen, only to find that it was still a mess from last night's dinner, which is normally cleaned by the time she got home.

"Mom? Please, if this is some kind of-" She rounded the corner, stopping once she saw the bloody knife and carpet in the living room. 

Ella covered her mouth, her breath getting caught in her throat. She had no idea what to do. It was as if her mind had just been erased. Dropping her bookbag on the ground beside her, she pulled out her phone, quickly calling the police and her father soon after.

In a span of five minutes, the police were investigating the crime that had happened earlier today and Ella's dad stood beside Ella, comforting her as they waited for the results.

Brendon watched this all go down. He sat in his bedroom, sitting right by the window in his semi-bloody clothes.

Once he knew that they all found out that there were no fingerprints left behind, Brendon made his way down to the basement, to the familiar room he had missed so much.

After punching in the code, the door opened, only to reveal the new addition to the doll house, Ms. Knight.

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