Chapter 15

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Brendon had been waiting all night for Ella's mom to go to bed, but now, this was his moment to take what he thought was rightfully his. Ella's mom began making her way upstairs, the sounds of the creaking floor all too familiar to Brendon. Once she was finally closed her bedroom door behind her, Brendon took the chance to rip the covers off of Ella's body. Brendon noticed that she was only wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts to go along with it, then looked outside, where the snow covered the ground. He sighed, wrapping her back up in her blankets, then slowly, but carefully, picked her up into his arms. At that moment, Brendon knew that Ella was now his. 

It had taken some time for Brendon to get Ella out of there without her mom knowing. Let me tell you, it was pretty challenging. As of right now, Brendon was triumphantly walking up his driveway, looking down at his prize. He smiled to himself as he placed a strand of her hair behind her ear. Before opening the front door, Brendon looked back down at Ella, making sure that she wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. Placed the key in the lock, Brendon opened the door, then quickly placed Ella on the couch, running back to close and lock the door. It was at this moment, Brendon felt the need to celebrate this accomplishment. He walked over to his kitchen, grabbing a bottle of wine, then began pouring it into one of his fancy wine glasses. Little did Brendon know, Ella normally gets up around this time to get her midnight snack. Ella began to stir, looking around the room slowly. 

"Oh, my god." Brendon walked back in the room, seeing a terrified Ella sitting up on the couch. His eyes widened as he tried to come up with a plan. "Y-You kidnapped me!"

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