Chapter 59

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Ella looked up at Brendon, instantly becoming afraid of what Brendon was going to do with her now. "I-I...what is this?" She looked down at the pile of corpses, then back at Brendon.

Brendon looked down at the corpses as well, taking a deep breath. "These are Spencer's failed creations. Dolls, if you want to be technical."

Ella's heart sank. She couldn't believe that Spencer did this. He seemed way too nice and not the kind of man to have a life style like that.

Ella bit her lip, trying to hold back the tears. "C-Can we just...go home?" Brendon sighed, then nodded, not making eye contact with Ella.

In all honesty, he was upset with himself. Brendon knew that he should've kept a better eye on her, but he failed to do just that.

Little did Brendon know, Ella didn't want to go home with him. She was planning on breaking free. As the two made their way back to the front enterance, Ella stopped, gasping.

Brendon quickly turned around, a concerned look plastered on his face as he searched Ella for whatever was wrong. "Ella, are you alright?"

He ran to her side, noticing that she was holding her lower abdomen. "I-Is there a bathroom anywhere near? I-I think I got my-" Brendon shook his head, closing his eyes, not wanting to hear her say wat she was going to say.

"There should be one just before the exit. Hold on." Brendon quickly walked to where Spencer was, asking where the bathroom was.

However, this did take a few seconds, which Ella could've taken her chance and ran, but she decided against that. Brendon was making his way back, pointing to where the bathroom was.

"It's just ahead. Take your time and...uh...I'll be right outside." Ella nodded, then bolted to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

Looking around, she found that she could fit through the window, but it would take some time. There were shards of glass along the sink area. Ella grabbed some of the sharpest pieces, stuffing them in her pocket.

Turning her attention back to the window, Ella took a deep breath, then began to pry it open. After a few minutes, she was able to get it, but now she had to focus on getting through the window.

Climbing up on the toilet, Ella swung her legs up on the window sill first, then began to slowly push herself through the window.

That's when Brendon knocked. A cold sweat ran down Ella's back. "Sweetheart, are you ok in there? You've been in therefor quite some time now."

Ella bit her lip, trying to think of what she could say. "Uh, yeah. There's just um....a lot of b-blood." Brendon huffed, leaning up against the door frame.

"Alright. I'll be right here." Ella gulped, then continued to push herself out the window. Soon, she out, looking around her.

There was a town just to the left of her and what seemed to be a highway to her right. No matter what, Ella was free, and there was nothing Brendon could do about it.

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