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Jesy: *Carrying grocery bags in both hands*

Perrie: *Reaches out a hand to help Jesy out*

Jesy: *Switches all the grocery bags to one hand and takes Perrie's hand and holds it*

Perrie: That's not what I- okay, I like this better.


Jade: I put a short note in your bag to remind you that I love you.

Leigh-Anne: *Pulling out the note* Jade, this is an eight-page letter.

Jade: I'm sorry I didn't write more.


Jesy: Do you remember in kindergarten, how you'd meet a kid and know nothing about them, then 10 seconds later you'd be playing like you were best friends because you didn't have to be anything but yourself?

Leigh-Anne: Yeah, I remember.

Jesy: Being with you feels like that.

Leigh-Anne: *Tearing up* I love you so much.


Perrie: Did it hurt?

Leigh-Anne: Let me guess, when I fell from Heaven?

Perrie: No, when you fell from the vending machine?

Leigh-Anne: What do you mean?

Perrie: Because you're a snack.


Jade: I knew you could do it, I didn't doubt you for a second.

Perrie: Thank you, Jade. You're lying, though, right?

Jade: Yes, I doubted you very strongly.


Leigh-Anne: Name a more iconic duo than my fear of abandonment and instinct to self isolate.

Jade: You and I.

Leigh-Anne: *Crying* okay.


Kidnapper: I have your daughter.

Jesy: I don't have a daughter.

Kidnapper: Then who just asked for Yorkshire Tea and biscuits?

Jesy: Oh my God, you have Jade!


Perrie: *Looking at the stars*

Jesy: What are you doing?

Perrie: Naming the stars after people I love.

Jesy: Do I get a star?

Perrie: You get the sun.


*On the phone*

Jesy: I'm breaking up.

Leigh-Anne: I'm pregnant.

Jesy: Leigh, what the fuck? I meant that the phone connection is bad. Jesus fucking Christ.

Leigh-Anne: Sorry, I panicked.


Waiter: Here's your bill, ma'am.

Perrie: *Places down a Uno Reverse Card* right back at ya.


Jesy: Tell me a scary story.

Jade: Life without you.

Jesy: *Tearing up* I love you.


Perrie: *Hugging Jesy*

Jesy: What are you doing?

Perrie: Hding.

Jesy: Do you mean...hugging?

Perrie: Did I stutter? This is my safe place. Now shut up and put your arms around me.


Leigh-Anne, Jade & Perrie: We found a button labeled "Danger, do not press".

Jesy: I hope you didn't-

*Something explodes in another room*

Jesy: This is why you should never be left unsupervised.


Jade: What is it called when a homosexual kills someone?

Leigh-Anne: Jade, please, don't.

Jade: HOMOcide.

Jesy: That's it, I'm done with you. *Gets up and leaves the room*


Jade: I am the most responsible one in Little Mix.

Jesy: You literally just set your kitchen on fire.

Jade: Yes, and I take full responsibility for that.


Leigh-Anne: Text me when you're home, okay?

Perrie: *Hugs Leigh-Anne from behind* I am already home.

Leigh-Anne: *Blushing* I meant a house with doors and windows and stuff.


Perrie: I was attracted to you first.

Jade: Well, I confessed first.

Perrie: I asked you out first.

Jade: I said "I love you" first.

Perrie: *Gets down on one knee* I proposed first.

Jade: Oh my God. *Faints*


Jesy: I'm into dark humor.

Perrie: *Turns off the lights* do you want to hear a joke?


Leigh-Anne: *Eating a cinnamon roll*

Jade: *Softly* cannibalism.

Leigh-Anne: *Chews slowly*


Jesy: Truth or dare.

Leigh-Anne: Truth.

Jesy: What's your credit card number?

Leigh-Anne: Dare.

Jesy: Tell me your credit card number.

Odd One Out is, hands down, the hardest thing I have ever watched. Cried throughout the whole documentary. Hearing her talk about her experiences and seeing her cry was absolutely devastating. Everything has a whole new meaning now...

However, I think that she's so brave for sharing her story with the rest of the world. I'm sure it'll help a lot of people. I do hope her documentary has opened people's eyes and made them realize how harmful words can be

If you or you know someone who is going through something similar, remember that you don't have to deal with it alone. There is help to get. Never forget that ❤️

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