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*Around the campfire*

Leigh-Anne: Now is the perfect time for scary stories.

Jesy: I think Jade should start.

Jade: Alright then. It's called "The Ugly Barnacle".

Perrie: Oh my Gosh, I can't wait to hear this.

Jade: Once, there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end.


*In a fantasy world*

Jade: I don't think we can stop the dragon with our bare hands.

Leigh-Anne: No, we need some gloves.


Jesy: Perrie, are you ready to party tonight?!

Perrie: I'm ready to party!

Jesy: Are you ready to get crazy?!

Perrie: I'm already hearing voices!



Jesy: Oh my God.


Perrie to Jade: Ugh, Leigh can be such a pinhead at times.

Leigh-Anne: *Enters the living room* who you callin' pinhead?


Jesy: Do you smell it? That smell. The kind of smelly smell. A smelly smell that smells...smelly.

Jade to Perrie: Your idiocy has either rubbed off on her or you've put something in her drink.


Leigh-Anne: *Blows an elephant-shaped bubble*

Perrie: Hahahaha, it's a giraffe!


Jesy: Move it, Leigh, I'm claustrophobic.

Leigh-Anne: What does claustrophobic mean?

Perrie: It means she's afraid of Santa Claus.

Leigh-Anne: Ho, ho, ho!

Perrie: Stop it, Leigh, you're scaring her!


Jesy: Nope, never, that's a bad idea.

Jade: There are no bad ideas, Jesy. Only good ideas that go horribly wrong.


Jade: In the end, the ugly duckling became a beautiful swan. So there's hope for everyone.

Perrie: Even for me?

Jade: No.


Jade: Why is everyone so goddamn obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I'd be perfectly happy just to have a bunk bed.

Leigh-Anne: You're so pure, oh my god.

Perrie: I'm going to tell her.

Jesy: Don't you dare.


Perrie: When have I ever done something stupid or irresponsible?

Jesy: We keep a list.

Jade: And it's alphabetized.


Jesy: How on Earth did you and Perrie break the bed?

Jade: It must've been a wild night.

Leigh-Anne: Haha, yeah.

*The night before*

Leigh-Anne: If you can jump so high that you touch the ceiling, I'll do whatever you want for a whole week.

Perrie: Consider it done.


Perrie: Jade and I went to the charity gala as platonic companions.

Leigh-Anne: Platonic companions? What the hell does that mean?

Perrie: *Sadly* I don't know.


*At an activity fair*

Leigh-Anne: Step one: be straight.

Jesy: *Walks up to the stand*

Leigh-Anne: Failed step one.


Leigh-Anne: Help me, Jesy, I need a four letter word for "disappointment"

Jesy: Jade.

Leigh-Anne: Not in bed.


Jade: Have you ever seen something that changed your life completely so you were just like "oh my god, wow"?

Jesy: Yes, I saw you.

Jade: Honestly, that's so freaking sweet but now everything is kinda awkward because I was going to show you a video compilation of a shirtless Zac Efron.


Jesy: Girls, we're adults now. It's about time we start acting like ones.

Leigh-Anne: Wait, when did that happen?

Perrie: And how do we make it stop?


*After performing at the EMAs*

Jesy & Leigh-Anne: *Pat Jade and Perrie on their backs* good job, gays.


Perrie: *Nervous laughter* did you mean to say guys?

Jesy & Leigh-Anne: Did we stutter?


Leigh-Anne: It's okay, Jade. The mouse is gone. You can stop freaking out.

Jade: I'm not freaking out.

Leigh-Anne: Oh, really? Why are you standing on the table, then?

Jade: I want to know what it's like to be tall.


__________________________________________________I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED 

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