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Leigh-Anne: Life is so unfair.

Jesy: Did you realize that now?

Leigh-Anne: This is the reason why I don't talk to you.


Perrie: I'm sad.

Jade: Why? What is it, babygirl?

Perrie: People think I'm dumb just because I'm blonde.

Jesy: Babe, they don't think you're dumb because of your hair colour.

Leigh-Anne: Jesy, don't.

Jesy: They think you're dumb because, well, you're dumb. As hell.

Jade: She may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but she's not dumb.

Jesy: Fish and noodles?

Jesy: Remember when Pez said that the square root of 144 is 3236?

Jesy: "How did they get the salad in the box if the box is sealed?"

Jesy: No wonder why people think you're dumb, Perrie. Hell, I'm still wondering how you graduated high school.

Perrie: Thank you, Jesy. You really do know how to cheer someone up.

Jesy: You're welcome 😘


*Private conversation between Jade & Leigh-Anne*

Jade: What are you doing?

Leigh-Anne: I'm doing Jesy.

Jade: Too much information.


Jesy: I've been in such a bad mood lately.

Jade: You need to get laid.


Perrie: What's your biggest fear?

Leigh-Anne: Losing all the people I love.

Jade: Being forgotten.

Jesy: Dying alone.

Perrie: Mine's being chased by that Marshmello guy.

Jesy: Get out.


*Half past four in the morning*

Leigh-Anne: Jade, sweetheart, can you please open the door?

Jade: Where have you been until now?

Leigh-Anne: I've been playing Pokémon Go. Gotta catch 'em all!

Jade: Why did I marry you again?


Leigh-Anne: Not to be dramatic but-

Jesy: Bitch, you're always being dramatic.

Jade: True. Remember that time when you pretended to faint in the grocery store just so the cute cashier-guy would pay attention to you?

Leigh-Anne: Well, I got his number. Mission accomplished.

Perrie: Hey Leigh, do you remember that time when you fell off your bike and you remained motionless on the ground until you heard Jesy say she'd go get help?

Jesy: Or when you started fake crying during an interview and then left the room because the interviewer said it's a miracle Jade, Perrie and I are alive considering how terrible your driving is.

Jade: Don't forget when you didn't leave your room for three days because you found out that Zac Efron doesn't sing in the first High School Musical movie.

Leigh-Anne: Okay, I get it. Leave me alone.


Jesy: Hey guys, remember that time when we won British Video but the sexist motherfuckers didn't give us the motherfucking award?


*After winning three Global Awards*

Jesy: We stan Global Awards, the BRITs can choke!


*In the group chat*

Perrie: I want to have sex.

Jade: I volunteer as tribute!


Jade: So, I just watched the Swedish version of Finding Dory and well, the ending caught me off guard, to say the least.

Leigh-Anne: Why did you watch a movie in a language you don't even understand?

Perrie: Because she's a cute nerd who loves to learn new languages. Watching movies in a language you don't speak yourself is a good way to start.

Jade: Thanks, Pez. Now can you please just listen to what I have to say?

Jesy: We're listening.

Jade: Okay, so I just finished watching the Swedish version of Finding Dory and you know how movies usually end with "the end"? Well, Finding Dory ended with "slut".

Jesy: Slut as in "whore"?

Jade: No, slut as in "ending".

Leigh-Anne: Oh god.

Jesy: Lmfao, I love Sweden.

It's a little bit past 3:30 in the morning and I should sleep but I think I'll skip sleep and give you guys some updates instead 😉


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