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Perrie: I want to go back to Japan.

Jesy: We just came home?

Perrie: I know but Jade only acknowledges my existence when we're in Japan.

Jade: What do you mean by that?

Perrie: Because as soon as we come back to the UK, you're like "Perrie, who?"


Jade: Mam is mad at me.

Jesy: No, I'm not?

Jade: I meant my real mam...


Jade: If I ever go into cardiac arrest, please, don't give me CPR.

Leigh-Anne: But without it, you'll die.

Jade: Exactly.


Jesy: Leigh-Anne looks so beautiful in that red dress.

Jade: I see you've extended your vocabulary.


Perrie: The fact that only 5% of the ocean has been explored freaks me out.

Leigh-Anne: Perrie, it's three in the morning. Go. To. Sleep.


Jesy: When I was a little girl, I celebrated Fatherless Day instead of Father's Day.

Leigh-Anne: Oh my Gosh, Jesy, that's so sad.


Jade: Hey Leigh-Anne, Shrek wants his face back.

Leigh-Anne: ...


Jade: Can I please move in with you and Leighly?

Jesy: Did you and Perrie break up?

Jade: No, she just finished reading the Fifty Shades books and now she wants her own "play room" so she can lock me in and do "bad things" to me. I'm scared.

Jesy: Oh my god.

Jesy: But don't worry, my sweet child, mama Jesy will rescue you. You can take the guest room upstairs and stay for as long as you want.

Jade: *Tears up* I knew you cared about me.


*After Leigh-Anne dies in a train crash*

Perrie: There's no way I'll finish all this stupid paperwork in time. I need Leigh-Anne.

Jesy: Do you expect her to work from the grave?


Perrie: Jesy, I'm sorry.

Jesy: When trust is broken, sorry means nothing.

Perrie: I ate your Ben & Jerry's???


*Five in the morning*

Jade: Jesy

Jade: Jesy

Jade: Jesy

Jade: Jesy

Jesy: WHAT?!

Jade: Hi :)


Leigh-Anne: Guys, I...I think I'm in love with Jesy.

Jade & Perrie: We been knew.


*During Lerrie's wedding ceremony*

Perrie: Do I say yes or does that sound too desperate?


Jade: What do you call a thieving alligator?

Leigh-Anne: Hmm, I don't know.

Jade: A crookodile!

Jesy: Get out.


Jesy: Do you idiots remember when we all thought Jade was the innocent one?

Perrie: Haha, well, that bitch proved us wrong.


Leigh-Anne: I can't sleep :(

Perrie: Oh.

Perrie: Well, I can. Goodnight!

I don't know what to say more than that I really have to go to bed, so nanite, everyone ❤️️


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