Filler: Android vs Killer of Heroes

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A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long! The second to last chapter has been hard to write, so hard in fact, that I haven't even started it for fear of not being able to give you all a finish to be excited for... So while I brainstorm I will be giving you all, fillers where they will be fighting past enemies, even where they meet the one who is sending them back in time! Hope you enjoy!

Shoto stopped firing off his Quirk and that caused everyone to look at the heterochromia hero in training as a white aura burst off of his body as the hero in training said, "So I'm back in the past... With you as my opponent, Hero Killer Stain, this shouldn't take too long."

Stain then threw a knife at Midoriya, but Shoto moved so fast that, in a blink of an eye, the Android was in front of All Might's Successor and caught the blade with two fingers.

"I won't allow you to harm anyone else, Stain," Shoto said his eyes narrowed. "I'll fight you myself if that's what it takes to get you to stand down and..."

Stain then jumped up and tried to cut Shoto down to size, but when the sword came into contact with the Android, it broke. Shoto then narrowed his eyes, and, holding back a lot of power, gave him a savage strike on his collar bone sending the Hero killer flying into a wall.

This display of power shocked Shoto's class mates and Iida said, "Where did he get this incredible power up? It's so much like what you did in the festival, Midoriya."

"From what you guys said, I can clearly see that this is just like what happened to me," Midoriya said with wide eyes. "But where did this come from? No one can have more power than All Might... Right?"

"Are you going to surrender, Stain?" Shoto asked as his eyes glowed with untold power. "Or am I going to have to break you and force you to surrender?"

"Who are you?" Stain asked. "You are not Shoto Todoroki."

"I am, and I am not," Shoto replied as his feet lifted off the ground surprising them all once more. "I am more than human, and yet, I am human. I not Saiyajin. I am not Majin. I am man and machine in one. I am human, but I am also machine."

"Who are you?" Stain asked more curious than anything else.

Shoto smirked and said, "Watashi wa andoroido 17desu (I am Android 17)."

With those final words, Shoto shot an energy blast that hit the Hero Killer and knocked him into unconsciousness. Shoto then fell into unconsciousness as well, with the last thing he saw were several heroes appearing on scene.

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