You win or You die ...

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She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate; she had to  find Drogon; she was mother of dragon after all.
" Drogon... where are you? I need you.. I need you now... Drogon...  Come to me... We need you... "
She put her hands on her swollen belly. She tried to ignore the voices; many laughed and some sounded sad; or maybe she thought they were sad.
+ House Targaryen will be nothing but a name.
Dany felt another sharp pain in her belly and that was when she realized it wasn't just a normal pain she felt, it was contractions which she had for days but this time... her body was ready for giving birth...
Cersei walked to her and made her to walk next to the iron throne. She felt more and more pain in every step she took. She made Dany look at it and whispered:
+ This is what you fought for, what you always wanted; but it won't be yours, not now... not ever.
Cersei put her hand and her belly and continued:
+ and when you gave birth, then you'll be dead. So look at this throne for the last time.
Dany frowned and answered:
_ I'll take back what is mine, what is ours with fire and blood...
Cersei pushed Dany to the floor and smirked. This time, people laughed at her. Dany felt a hard kick and then water between her legs. At first she thought she was wrong but that was it... her water was broken... Dany held her stomach and cried out. As soon as Cersei saw her wet dress; she ordered:
+ Take her out of here and make sure that the baby is safe.
She felt two men grabbed her by arms and made her to walk. She had only taken two steps when she felt glasses trembled and she heard the thunder sound. A weak smile came into her face; maybe her child wanted to born in storm like she did. She swore to herself that if she and her baby lived, she would give the child stormborn nickname like hers.
Dany closed her eyes and called for Drogon again. " Your mother needs you..." she moaned as she felt like her baby was coming into the world. Two women came to her; one of them was older and Dany guessed she was a midwife. The old woman said:
+ Don't pull her like this ! She is in labor!
They went out of the great hall when Dany stopped; she had pain but she stopped; she felt him... he was near...
+ Come on girl! You want to give birth in the middle of the stairs?!
_ Ju... just a... a... moment...
She whispered and then she counted. " One... two... three..."
Then she heard it; she heard Drogon roar. Even soldiers freed her and ran to the great hall to see what was happening. Dany looked at the midwife as she tried to stand.
_ I have to go there! Help me...
+ Are you crazy child? You are....
+ I know it! I know that I'm in labor but I mean it when I say I want to be in the main hall.
She sounded like the queen she was. The young girl held her hand and helped her to walk in. Drogon roared again and destroyed the wall; Euron tried to run out from the hall but before he could; Drogon burnt him. Cersei was scared; Dany could see that too. Daenerys tried to be strong but the pain became more and more every minute; her legs gave up and she sat on the floor. Drogon came closer to her; and tried to protect her. He burnt everyone who came closer or wanted to help Cersei. Dany looked into her eyes and said as loud as she was able:
_ When you are playing game of thrones, you win or you die...
Then she looked at her son; he knew what to do. He opened his mouth and burnt Cersei. Lords and ladies who were standing there, kneeled in front of Dany and called her their queen. Dany screamed in pain and fell down on the floor. The old midwife went to her and asked a guy to help Dany move to a room. As soon as they put her on the bed; Daenerys shrieked and held the sheets with her fingers. She didn't know how they got ready and when a maester came; all she knew was pain and that was burning her body. She tried to remember Rhaego birth, that was painful but not as much as this one.
+ Alright my queen, you need to push.
Dany took a deep breath and pushed... she pushed and pushed until she heard a baby crying. The young girl placed the baby in her arms; a little boy was crying loudly. Dany couldn't stop her tears; she was a mother now, finally she had what she always wanted.
_ Hello, my love.
She caressed the baby's soft skin. He was still dirty and needed to be washed but she didn't want to give him to anyone. He was hers... her son... he was...
Daenerys moaned as she felt another pain in her body; she felt like she needed to push again. She held her stomach with one hand and screamed:
_ What is wrong?
The girl took her son away while the midwife checked her again.
+ There's another baby too. You have to push.
Baby number two? She was having twins... she pushed again but her body was giving up. She was tired and there wasn't any strength left in her.
_ I can't do it anymore.
She wanted Jon beside her... she wanted him to hold her hand and whisper sweet things in her ear.
+ Just one more big push and the other baby would be here too.
She closed her eyes and moaned. Maybe it was her destiny to bring just a child to the world and die like her mother, like Jon's mother. She heard a sound in her mind:
' dear daughter... I know you are strong, you can do it...'
It was Rhaella's sound that she heard. If her mother said so, it means she could. When she was a child, she dreamed of her mother, where she told Dany that she would have whatever she wanted, that she could do everything... and maybe she was right.. now she had the throne, she was with the man she loved and she would have two children if she was stronger.
+ My queen... just one more!
When she heard the maester's sound, she opened her eyes. She felt she had the power to do it... she had the power to take care of two children.
She didn't know how much past but it felt like years for her when she heard aother baby crying.
+ It's a girl.
Dany smiled weakly... a boy and a girl... gods blessed her with two healthy children... two children of her own... they put children in her arms. She looked at her children... they were miracle for her... for them
Her son moved her head in all different directions; Dany smiled and moved him closer to herself and brought him to her breast and wishing Jon was there to see them as they got fed for the first time....


Two weeks later

She had been counting count them again and again... both of them had ten toes and fingers... they were healthy, as healthy as they could be. Dany still didn't name them, she wanted Jon to be there. Jon...
She had sent letters to all kingsdoms and announced that she had won the iron throne. Greyworm wrote her that the army would be there as soon as they can. She waited for an asnwer from Jon but there wasn't anything. She wrote him that she gave birth and now they have twins but he didn't write back. She was worried about him, what if something happened to him in the battle? What if he...
She shook her head and tried to think positively. " He will come here soon; he won't leave us alone "
She heard a knock on the door.
_ Come in!
A servant came in. After everything they saw, everyone accepted her as their queen.
+ I'm sorry, your grace but a girl is here; she wants to see. She says she is Arya Stark.
_ Let her in.
Her heart started to beat fast, maybe she knew about Jon. Arya came in and looked at Dany. She didn't know why but she went to Dany and hugged her. Maybe she needed someone she knew after all those bad days.
+ I thought you were dead but when I heard Cersei is gone, I realized you are alive.
_ Maybe killing me is harder than you think.
They both laughed as Dany went to babies cribs.
_ Come here, Aunt Arya.
Arya walked to the cribs and looked at little children who were sleeping peacefully. They were born only for two weeks but Dany loved them like she had them for many years. Arya was surprised; Dany knew that she didn't expect to see twins.
+ Twins?
Dany nodded while she caressed her daughter's cheek.
_ He was born sooner and when they told me there was other baby, I was surprised too.
+ What did you name them?
_ Nothing actually. I want Jon to name them.
Arya smiled sadly and looked at Dany. She couldn't understand anything from her face, but she realized she wasn't happy at all. The fear came back to her:
_ Arya? Is everything alright? 
She looked at the children again and remained silent. 
_ Arya! Say something! Is Jon alright?


So here we are! There's only one part left...
What will happen in the last part? Is Jon alive? Is he dead?
Tell me if there is anything you want to read in the next part..
Lots of love 💋❤

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