Danger ...

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+It's not enough !
Sansa nearly shouted at Ser Davos who came to tell them about the number of the army.
+We can't win them with this number. They are more than us and they would kill us all!
He hid his face on his hand and tried to calm himself. Sansa was right but that was all they had. Even he didn't want to think about it ; he promised to Dany that he would come back , that he would be there when she is giving birth to their daughter.
+ My lady we are using all people in our army. Even knights of the vale is fighting for us and Robin Arryn is here too.
Arya knew Jon better ; she knew he wasn't calm:
+ Maybe we could send a raven to Kings landing again. The army of the dead is a danger for everyone.
Jon knew Arya didn't believe in what she said; everyone knew Cersei and how she was. Jaime had left to search for an army which was still loyal to him. He had sent a letter than he found some people to help.
_ Bran said they will be here tomorrow and they are more than before. We should get ready tonight. Send a raven to Ser Jaime and tell him we'll want them soon.
He stood and walked towards the door.
+ Where are you going now?
_ Crypt. I have to say my farewells.



The silence filled Dragonstone and that was torture for her.  She put her hand on her swollen belly and walked towards her room ; two unsullied followed her through the hall. Every night since she send a raven to Jon, she waited for his ships to come but there was nothing. She had sent many ravens but they never came back.
Her eyes stopped over the throne. ' The winds were kind, your grace. ' his voice repeated in her mind. ' I mean no offense, your grace, but I don't know you. ' she sighed as she remembered that day; maybe she could be softer with him. Both of them insult each other and that was the beginning of everything. She sat on the throne and closed her eyes.
Mama ! Come here ! Papa and Robb are waiting for you !
These voices .... they've been in her mind since the day she arrived. A family ... A home ... children with the man she loved more than anything in the realm. Jon was her only safety and his arms was her true home.
Suddenly, the doors opened and Samwell ran into the room in hurry, followed by Gilly and little Sam.
_ Is everything alright ?
He shook his head.
+ Some ships are near here ; but it seems they are belongs to Golden Company and as Jaime Lannister informed us right, now they fight for Cersei.  
She felt a shiver went through " No! You are Daenerys Targaryen ! You cannot be afraid ! "
She walked down and look at one of the unsullied :
_ Brōzagon syt ser Jorah.  istia mīsagon īlva hen se nābēmagon . ( Call for Ser Jorah. You must protect us )
He nodded and left the hall in worry.
+ Your grace, you should go back to your chambers, lock the door and don't leave it until I come and call for you. Gilly would stay with you if you want my queen.
She knew if she wasn't pregnant , she wouldn't leave there but she had too. Gilly helped her to go back to her chambers. Her hands wrapped around her swollen belly. Her life wasn't important but she would sacrifice herself for her child. She wanted her child alive... she wanted to hold her daughter... keeping her safe until her father come and hold her in his strong arms and tell her how much he loved her.
Her eyes rolled on Gilly who was hugging her son tight.
_ Gilly ...
She looked up :
+ Yes , your grace ?
_ Hide in the closet.
Her eyes went wide but still she was holding Sam.
_ Come on Gilly, hide there. They are coming for me, if they take me send a raven to Jon and tell him everything.
+ But...
_ There is no But !
She nearly shouted at her but she regret of it.
_ Sorry , I didn't mean to ...
+ It happens in pregnancy.
She heard voices from the main hall and they were getting closer.
_ Gilly !
She stood up and opened the closet door, went to it. Dany closed the door and whispered:
_ Just push it hard and it will open. They won't kill me but they will take me...
The voices were getting closer and closer, they were right behind the door.
_ Write to Jon that I'm alright...
One push to the door and yelling of the mens made Gilly to scream quietly.
_ Tell him that I love him and I know he would come to save me...
A tear fell down on her cheek and she stopped talking. She didn't realize how many times they pushed the door. She couldn't even see; tears made her eye sight blur. Her pregnancy made her sensitive and she wasn't able to stop it. Finally the door opened and Euron Greyjoy and an army behind him entered the room. He laughed loudly:
+ Look who is here ! The beautiful dragon queen!
He walked towards her; his hand moved on her face. She turned her face away but Euron grabbed her chin and looked into her eyes.
+ You cannot escape from me. Now you are mine...



He put the last candle next to Lyanna statue. His mother was standing still and looking at her son.
_ Please help me mother. We have to win this war, we should survive. I must go to her as soon as I can , she needs me....
He moved his hand on his mother face and let out a sigh.
_ I love you mother.I know you would protect me like you always did.
He closed his eyes and imagined his mother with himself ; they were laughing and playing ... there were no Night King .. No army of dead. It was him, his mother and his father , Rhaegar. They were a family , like Starks were. He wished nothing more than a happy life with Dany. He didn't have a good life when he was a child but he wanted to make the best life for his child.
The sound of footsteps , made him to open his eyes and see Arya running towards him.
+ Jon ! Jon !
He walked towards her in worry. His little sister looked so nervous and he knew what he would hear:
+ Jon ... they are here !


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