Why is it always me ?

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_ What ?

He nearly jumped. He knew it was just a lie.

_ You are a Targaryen Jon.

" This is impossible. How it can be true ? "

He didn't say anything . his mind was locked. Bran continued :

_ You were born in a tower in Dorne. I thought you are a bastard name Sand but your friend Sam told me really important thing.

" Does he know too ? how long ? why he didn't tell me sooner ? "

Sam looked at Jon.

_ At the Citadel, I transcribed a High Septon's dairy. He annulled Rhaegar's marriage to Elia Martel. He wed your mother Lyanna and your father Rhaegar in a secret ceremony.

" They loved each other and I am the result of their love. "

He looked at Bran again.

_ I can't believe it. Our father never told us a lie.

_ He promised your mother to protect you.

He couldn't breath anymore. His whole life had built on a lie. He was never a bastard. He had Targaryen blood in his veins.

_ Lord Snow !

It was Missandei who called him. She was grabbing Daenerys hand. She looked pale a bit.

That was when his heart stopped. Dany .... She was Rhaegar's little sister.... He was his son.

He wanted to cry ..... scream ....

" Why is it always me ? "

Why he must be the one who lose his first lover in his own arms ? Why he must be the one who fell in love with wrong person ? He closed his eyes to calm himself. Maybe it was his destiny but he didn't want it.

He opened his eyes when he heard her weak voice.

_ She betrayed us. She didn't send her army.

It was his end. He wanted to die rather than tolerate all this. He was strong person but not right now. He didn't say anything.

_ Her fucking brother is here. He came to fight with us. Jon we have to do something.

Jon was staring at the ground when he felt her little warm hand. She was true fire. He wanted to kiss her and tell everything is going to be all right.

_ Jon ..... Say something.

He took a step back. He can't. she was his aunt.

_ I don't know what to say your grace. We will talk about this in tomorrow council. Have a good night my queen.

He left them and went to his chamber. He still couldn't believe it. His mother was near him but he didn't know. His father was his uncle but he was more father to him that his own father. It didn't change anything. He was Jon Snow and Arya and Bran and Sansa were still his sibling. But Dany ...... he couldn't love her anymore. His duty didn't let him to kiss her or make love to her. He just closed his eyes and tried to believe it was just a dream.



Jon's acting made her crazy. She thought Jon would hug her and give her hope but it was just a dream.

She started crying. What was wrong with her ? she was strong but now nothing would help her but crying.

She tried to sleep as she wiped her tears but it was impossible. She just needed Jon's arms to feel comfortable.

Dany stood and left her chamber to his. She knocked and waited for him to welcome her .....


i am really sorry that didn't update for long. 

i have no time but i am trying to update more and more. 

i have some plans to write kimilia one shots. 

love you all ❤️💋

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