White Horbor ...

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_ My queen ?
He was standing by her chamber door. She opened the door.
_ What are you doing here lord Snow ?
_ I want to tell you that we have to move soon.
She grabed his hand and took him in her room and closed the door. She pressed her lips to his. He grabed her waist and pulled her closer to himself. She was going to took his armor off when he pulled away and stoped her.
_ Everyone is ready to leave.
She kissed him again.
_ I think we still have a little time to make love.
He shooked his head.
_ I don't think so. Jorah and Tyrion are waiting for you.
She raised her eyebrows.
_ They can wait. I missed you Jon.
He smiled. It's been 3 days that they were staying at White Horbor and now they have to move to Winterfell. They couldn't even kiss eachother. Every step he took , were counting by ladies of White Horbor. Sometimes he could feel Daenerys jealousy.
_ We have to leave Dany.
She nodded as she sat on the bed. She looked nervous.
_ Danerys , is everything allright ?
_ I'm scared. What if your family don't like me ?
He sat next to her and kissed her forehead.
_ Of course they will love you.
_ Will you tell me about them ? I mean your sisters and brother.
_ Well .... Sansa is really great woman some times she gets annoying but she is kind. She has red hair.
He tried to say something about Bran and Arya. He barely could remember them.
_ And ... i don't know what to tell about Arya and Bran to you.
She raised her eyebrows.
_ Why ?
_ I was 17 when i met Arya and Bran. Arya was really kind to me.
She sighed when they heard a knock on the door.
_ Your grace ? We have to leave. Everyone is waiting for you.
_ Allright. I'll be there soon Missndei.
_ Your grace ... we are looking for lord Snow. Is he there with you ?
She giggled as she sat on his hips.
_ No.
He heard Missndei's footsteps. He kissed her lips again and stood up and left her room.
He sighed when he thought of his family. He missed Arya and Bran so much. He missed Robb and Rickon but he couldn't even meet them.
Robb .... his brother. He remembered the last time he huged him. 
Rickon .... He lost him infront of his sight. He was too young to die.
He wore his fur. His fur remind him his father.
Father .... His last sentence was still in his mind.
' The next time we see each other, we'll talk about your mother. '
He never met him again and he would never know about his mother.
" Who was she ? Was she a good woman ? "
" Of course she wasn't. She gave birth to a basterd. How she could be a good woman ? "
_ Where were you ?
It was Davos.
_ I was walking around.
_ You were at her room. Weren't you ?
He nodded. Ser Davos was really clever. He easily could realize his feeling. He knew everything from the first day.
_ She is waiting at yard with her hand.
He walked in yard. She was wearing thick clothes.
_ Shall we go ?
_ If you want to.
She nodded as she sat on white horse. He sat on his horse too. They started moving. He looked at her. She seemed cold.
_ Are you cold my queen ?
He shooked her head.
_ No. I'll get use to it.
He knew she was living in hot places and now she and her army which was behind them didn't use to cold weather.
When he looked at her again. Her nose and cheeks was red now. He started laughing. She turned and looked at her face.
_ It's not funny lord Snow. You can't live in that hot weather too.
He tried to control himself. He took off his fur and put it on her shoulders.
_ Jon ...
She whispered.
_ You'll be freezing Dany.
_ What about you ?
He kissed her hand.
_ I lived here for 22 years. I know how to fight with snow.
He rode again. In whole way he stared at her. Snow didn't shown on her silver hair. He imagined a little girl with silver hair who was playing with her.
" Come on Jon ... she can't have children and you know it. " 


_ Is that Winterfell ?
He sighed.
_ Aye. It's where i lived and grow up.
It's been 2 days that they were on the road. They stayed two nights on the way. One night he went to her tent but one of her dothrki saw him. That night he just said goodbye to her.
Davos rode near them.
_ It's get darker from the day we left. Winter is really here. I guesee something bad is coming towards us. He sighed and nodded. He couldn't wait to meet his little sister.
" Does she still has needle ? "
He couldn't wait to see her beautiful face. His father told him that Arya was just like Lyanna.
" How was she like ? "
He heard a loud voice.
_ Open the gate! The king in the north has return !


I'm so so sorry for updating late ....
It was new year in my country so i was really busy.
But i hope you like this part.

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