The End...

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Hi guys ❤
This is the last part of this story and I hope you like it
There is a thing that I want to tell. As I couldn't choose to how to end this story, I wrote two endings.
First one is a bitter sweet ending and the second one is a happy ending. You can read both or the one you love.
Thanks for reading this story 💋


_ Arya!
Arya looked at the floor and played with her fingers; Dany put her hand on Arya's shoulder and looked at her with worried eyes.
+ Daenerys, I can see we were losing the war and Jon was the only one who dared to fight with Night King and then...
She could hear her own heart beating; she knew what she would hear, wouldn't be something pleasant. She grabbed the  top of babies crib and tried to stand still.
+ Jon killed the Night king but before Jon kills him, he had wounded Jon... when we arrived Jon had lost too much blood, he was alive and talked to us but...
Tears fell down on Arya's cheeks; Dany's legs gave up and she fell on the floor as she started crying. Arya sat next to her and hugged her.
+ I'm so sorry, Daenerys. He couldn't make it...
And this was what she was scared the most, she had lost him... she had lost the one she loved the most... but he promised her; he promised he would come back, he said he would be there as their children born and grow up and yet he left her alone... he left her and their children alone..
She couldn't stop her tears, Arya tried to calm her but she wasn't able to.
_ He said he'll come back, he promised me, Arya.
Arya crassed Dany's hair and tried to comfort her.
+ I don't know what to say but I understand how you feel. They behead my father in front of me and Sansa. I saw how they sew Robb's body to his wolf's head. I know how losing feels.
Dany shook her head and tried to stand; her vision was blurred, but she took steps towards the door. Arya tried to hold her hand but she pushed it away and ignored her. She needed to be alone... she needed to talk to him... she knew he was with her. Before leaving the room, she looked at Arya and said:
_ You may know what losing means but you can't  understand what losing someone you love means.
She opened the door and left Arya and her children alone; she just walked and walked, didn't know what to do. She wanted everything with him, she dreamt everything with him... and now she had nothing...
She went outside of the castle, while she was following by her guards. It was raining again, like the day her children born; it made her wet but she didn't care. Dany shouted as loud as she could:
_ Why? Why did you leave me? You told once that you won't swear an oath you can't uphold but you did! You left me alone in this world! Why did you Jon? Why?
Drops of rains washed her body as her tears washed her cheeks. That was the end of their love... forever...
She fell down on the ground and everything went black...


When she opened her eyes, she was on her bed. Her clothes were dry and Arya was sitting on a chair next to the bed. She turned her head and looked around, the sun was shining outside and there wasn't any evidence of raining.
+ Finally you opened your eyes! I thought I have to sit here much longer!
_ Where are my children?
Arya pointed at the crib in the other side of room then stood up and walked towards it.
+ I tried to take of them myself; but I couldn't feed them.
She nearly laughed as she hugged one of the kids and walked to Dany.
_ How long I was-
Arya interrupted as she gave the girl to her mum.
+ Two days. You weren't in the rain too much but your body hadn't taken back its power after birth.
Dany nodded and held her daughter in her arms; her.... eyes were open and she was looking at Dany with curious eyes.
_ Hey, my love. I missed you so much...
Then Arya placed her son in her other arms. He was awake like his sister. Dany looked carefully at her son, he had brown hair, unlike her sister who had some growing silver hair on her head.
+ You should name them, Daenerys.
Tears gathered in her eyes; she still couldn't believe Jon wasn't there when she was going to name them. Her son placed her hand on Dany's face and made a sound. He looked like Jon; his hair, his brown eyes and even she thought he got the shape of his nose and lips from Jon.
_ I don't want to name him Jon or Aegon because it just reminds me him..
She took a deep breath and continued:
_ I remember a night when we were sailing to Whitehorbor, we were talking after making love; he was telling me about his life, he said when he heard he lost his brother, he promised to himself if he had a son, he would name him, Robb. He isn't here but I want to do it for him. I want to name him Robb.
Arya gave a small smile and kissed Robb's forehead.
+ I'm sure both Robb and Jon would be proud.
Dany looked at her daughter, she got everything after her mother. Again, she knew what to do.
_ My mother kept me alive when I was giving birth to her, so she'll be Rhaella.
+ Rhaella and Robb.
Arya whispered as she stood up, searching for something in her pocket. Dany placed her children on the bed. They were all she had left, her family... her only family... Jon had left her but he gave her all she wanted in her life; he gave her love... he loved her and saw her as Dany not as the dragon queen, he gave her life... two beautiful lives and he scarificed himself for them... " Only death can pay for a life. " she stroked babies soft hairs and whispered:
_ You two are so loved... your mother loves you more than anything and-
+ Daenerys?
She turned and saw Arya standing with a letter in her hand.
+ As I said when we found Jon's body, he was still alive; he knew he won't live so he asked me to give you this letter.
Arya gave the letter to her; she looked at it. It was dirty; she could see the trace of bloody fingers on it.
+ He gave me that and said he wrote it for you and your child before he goes to the battle.
_ Thanks, Arya.
She nodded and placed her bag on her shoulder; packed and ready for leaving.
_ Where are you going?
+ Not sure yet. Maybe going south, or to Essos.
_ Arya, don't tell me you are leaving me alo-
+ Your armies are in the city now, so as you dragons. You are not alone. You can visit Sansa and Bran if you want. Count them as your family member too.
_ At least my children need their Aunt Sansa and Uncle Bran.
Arya kissed the children foreheads and took Dany's hand in hers and pressed it a bit.
+ Take care.
She said her last sentence and left the room, leaving her alone. Dany stood up,  and walked to the balcony; Drogon and Rhaegal flying outside and she could see her army had arrived. She went back in and sat on the bed; opened the bloody letter:

My dear Daenerys...

If you are reading this letter, it means I couldn't make it and I'm really sorry about it.
I love you so much Dany, more than you imagine. I want you to know you and our child are everything to me and I gladly died saving both of you. If I could chose a way to die it would have for you.
Don't think about me too much, I don't want you to cry for me and think that I left you alone; cause I don't. You'll never be alone, I'll with from dusk till dawn, baby I'm right there, right where you are, right where you. In every step you take.
Tell our child that I love her/him so much even if I didn't see them and ask you to teach them honesty and honor.Travel to Winterfell sometimes; let our child see where their father had grown up and how life is going in the north.
You are my queen and I'll always love you... don't ever forget that...

Your husband, Jon/Aegon Targaryen "

Dany smiled when she finished the letter; she pressed the it to her chest. She closed her eyes and whispered:
_ I love you too...


5 years later...

+ Mama! Mama! Come and play with us !
Rhaella said as she grabbed her hand and started to run in the garden. She ran after her and went in the middle of trees where Rhaella and Robb had built a small house with woods which Greyworm had helped them to build. After they came back from Winterfell, they insisted to have their own castle like their Aunt Sansa had, even though Dany told them that whole world was theirs.
+ Mama! I want a horse!
Robb said excitedly when he came out from the wooden house. She kissed her son's forehead and said:
_ You have to wait until your sixth nameday, then I'll ask from Ser Jorah to teach you and Rhaella.
He frowned as looked at her sister.
+ Maybe she isn't strong enough, but I am. I know I can ride a horse. Besides, you said I can't use a sword until I become 7; at least let me to ride a horse!
She knew he got his love for fighting from his father; Sansa told her than Jon was 7 when Ser Rodrick taught him to use a sword but as her father said, Jon had insisted on it since he was 4.
+ Mama! Please!
_ Did I tell you that your father was a skilled fighter?
He shook his head and sat next to his mother, like Rhaella who had been sitting on Dany's lap for a while.
_ He was great at it. In the north, people called him the greatest swordsman who ever walked.
Rhaella raised her head and curiously asked:
+ Was he really great?
_ He was...
Rhaella hugged her doll and asked again.
+ Why he isn't with us? All of girls and boys have mama and papa but we don't. Why he left us?
Dany sighed and stroked Rhaella curly silver hair.
_ There was a bad man years ago, before you were born. Your father was the only man who fought that bad man and he died when he was fighting with him but he didn't leave us forever, he is with us now. We can't see him but I know he is sitting with us.
Robb looked around and then closed his eyes.
+ Mama, did he look like me?
_ Yes, love. You are as beautiful as he was.
Rhaella closed her eyes as well and tried to see her father. Even Dany did the same; she could see Jon, his hands were on her shoulders and he had one of his rare smile on his face. As he said, he hadn't left her alone; whenever she closed her eyes, she was able to see him. She dreamt of him all nights; dreams were the only place she and Jon could speak. They spoke every night, she told him how much she missed him and he just hugged her until she woke up.
Rhaella jumped and opened her eyes, then Robb did what his sister did; they both screamed:
+ I saw him mama!
_ Did you?
Rhaella nodded and pointed at Dany's back.
+ He was there...
Dany smiled weakly and kissed Rhaella's forehead. Jon didn't leave them as he promised. He held both Rhaella and Robb hands and said:
_ Do you want to hear a story about how your father and I met?
+ Yes!
Both children exclaimed happily and pulled their mother to their little house.
" Let's tell them our story Jon ... "

Dusk Till Dawn ..... Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant