Protect ....

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She was sitting on a chair in the main hall while she was reading the letter again and again. All lords from the north was there too and talking about rebuilding Winterfell to Sansa. It's been two days that Night King was defeated and peace came back to north.
+ My lady, the northerners must to back their castles and rest for a while. The army is tired and can't help to rebuilt Winterfell.
Lord Glover stated and Arya looked at him and started harshly.
_ You expect us to just sit here and wait until a miracle happen? If Jon was here...
Sansa interrupted:
+ We can't do things without plan and Lord Glover is right, our armies need rest. We can't go to Kingslanding and kill Cersei.
_ You want to let Daenerys, our queen and her child die? So you think Jon would ever forgive us if we don't protect his family?
She stood up and walked out from the room while she felt eyes of lords and ladies in the room. She always loved Jon more than all of her siblings; she knew how much he had suffered in his life, he sacrifice himself to protect them but no one, even Sansa, wanted to take only a step for him. Tears gathered in her eyes with the thought of her brother, life was always unfair to him....



She felt her warm blood on her face and body but the pain in her belly made her forget everything else. The mountain hit her in every way he could and everywhere in last two days, except her belly; but it seem the baby decided to make pain in her belly. She knew the baby would born sooner or later but it wasn't the right time. She was Cersei prisoner and Jon was half a world away from her, from them. She didn't even know if he was still alive or not.
" He promised you. He promised that he would come back to us. He can't die and abandon us. "
She moved on the ground uncomfortably and decided to think about good things. When she was with Jon; his hands on her body and his lips on hers... when they were one... his brooding face and sad eyes... those rare smile of him...
" Oh Jon ! I wish you were here. " a tear rolled down on her face as the door opened. The queen's hand came in with mountain behind him.
+ The queen is waiting for you and her heir in the throne room....



+ Where do you want to go?
she stopped her horse and looked into Sansa's eyes.
_ Kingslanding. I won't stay here until the day they give us her corpse. I want to go and bring her back here ; not for myself but for Jon.
+ Jon always wanted to protect us. He would never let you go alone.
Arya rolled her eyes furiously:
_ But he would go to save his family. Sansa, Daenerys is his wife and she has Jon's baby inside her; do you understand? They are his family and he loved them more than anything. I owe him, we all owe him. That's the only thing I can do for him.
Before Sansa say anything else, Arya left her sister behind and rode out from Winterfell.



Euron smiled as he saw Dany and walked towards her.
+ It's good to see you again, Daenerys stormborn.
Her hand rounded her belly protectively and took a step back. She wasn't scared for herself, she just wanted to protect her child from every danger.
" Be a dragon ..."
_ I hope it's not the last time we see each other. Maybe next time you'll be in chains, who knows?
+ Or I have your king in chain too; then I have the whole family in my hands.
_ You can only have him in your dreams.
He pushed her through the door. She could see lord and ladies who were allies with Cersie in front of the throne. She was sitting with a smile and started talking:
+ My people, my husband, Euron Greyjoy has brought us a gift. She looked at them and nodded. Euron grabbed her arm and they entered the throne room. As soon as they saw her silver hair, which now seemed too dirty to call them silver, started to whisper.
+ Yes, she is Daenerys of the house Targaryen. The last of them.
" You fool ! You even don't know about Jon... my Aegon..."
+ She tried to start arebellion against us with Ned Stark bastard, Jon Snow who named himself king in the north. She got married with him and now she is pregnant with his child. This child is innocent; after she give birth to her child, I want to execute her. 
She looked at Dany and smirked. 
" Jon would never let you to do that..never ..."

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