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It's been an hour that she was awake but he didn't move. She didn't want to wake up Jon. She just stared at him and thought about the night before. It was great. Jon was so gentle with her. They made love passionately. She never felt so good in her life. His kisses... his soft touchs...

She never felt like this. He was something special to her. She knew that she was in love with him. Love... It was something she thought she felt it before, but now she knew she was wrong. She chased her hand on his chest. She stoped on his scar. It was right on his heart. How he survived?

Jon moved a bit.  Why this man is so mysterious ? I have to know more about him .Finally, he opened his eyes.

" Good morning, Lord Snow." She smiled.

"Good morning My Queen. Did you sleep well?" He touched her cheek.

" Actually , it's been years that I sleep like this. It was peaceful. Your arms are so warm. I don't want to ever leave." She got closer to him. He grabbed her waist and and stared at her lips, but after a second he kissed her forehead. She felt so happy. He loved her.

" You can stay there forever. If you want to." He suggested with a smile.
" Of course I want to." She moved herself.

" Don't do it." She moved herself again and looked at him with innocent eyes.

" Why ? Do you have any problem with it, My Lord?" Hhe tried to turn, but she didn't let him. " I believe many people want to have a queen in their beds."

"It's not good time. You don't want them to see me here. Do you ?" He frowned slightly.

"I don't care. " Her nose touched his, but before she could kiss him , they heard a knock on the door.

" Your Grace? Can I come in?" Daenerys sighed and touched his face. He was right...

"I want to sleep more Missandei. Come back later."

"As you wish, Your Grace. " They heard her leaving.

"I have to go, Dany. " He removed his hand from her waist.

" will let you go with one condition." She said plaufuly.

"What is it?"

"Come back tonight. " He smiled and nodded. She let him to stood up. He started getting dress.  "I've got a lot of things to ask and you have to answer me." He sighed and nodded. Daenerys smiled. Finally she would know about him. He got dressed and looked at her.

" I want to say something." He let out his breath.

" I'm listening." He walked towards her and grabbed her hands; stared at the ground.

" I want you to know... I came here because.... well... " He took a deep breath. " It wasn't just my desire, it was my love. It was love that made me came here." She smiled and stood up.

" Jon .... I know you. You proved yourself last night." He raised his head and then kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

" Dany... please... I have to go. " She nodded and let him go. Dany sighed as he closed the door. She fell on the bed again; all she could think was Jon... then she knock on the door.

" May I come in?" Missandei again...

" Yes." Missandei came in her chamber and closed the door. She nearly screamed when she saw Dany. She was still naked.

" Your grace!" She put her hand on her mouth. Dany smiled.

" Lord Snow was here." Missandei chose her a dress, still listening to her.

" And what happened?" Dany's cheeks went red with the thought of what Jon did to her.

"Many things." She whispered.

"Many things? " She nodded as Missndei smiled. " Was he good? Of course he was." Dany stood up to get dress.

" He was so gentle with me. I never felt like that. I was feeling the pleasure with my whole body. " Missandei helped her to dress.

" I'm so happy for you, Daenerys." She started to open her hair which she knew it was a mess.

" He was in rash.Wasn't he?" Dany looked at her friend, Missandei explained."  He didn't open your hair." She blushed like a maiden.

" Both of us needed each other and we... um..."

" What? " Missandei looked at her.

" We love eachother." She confessed. She wasn't ashamed of their love. Missandei worked on her hair quietly and let her to think about Jon...

" Tyrion and the others are waiting for you. " Finally, Missandei broke the silence. She stood up and left her chamber.


" Jon? " She whispered his name. They were in the same bed again after a long day.

"Mmmm? " His eyes were closed.

" What happened to you?" She chased her hand on his scars. She was thinking about him whole day.  She couldn't get enough of him. They made love twice, but she wanted more, but also she knew that Jon needed time to recover.

" What do you mean?" He opened his eyes and looked at her.

" This scars... how did you survive? She couldn't stop looking at those angry scars.

" I didn't survive. I died, Dany." Her eyes went wide, her heart started beating faster.  " The red witch... she resurrected me. My brothers at the wall, they killed me, because I allowed free folk to pass the wall." She hugged him a bit tighter. She didn't say anything and stared at his eyes. It was his destiny to resurrect again and meet her.  " You told me a witch killed your husband. Tell me more about it."

" My brother Viserys forced me to marry him. I didn't love him at first, but..." She sighed. Drogo was her everything at that time. "I became pregnant. I was 9 month pregnant when he had crush on his chest. I ask a witch to help him, but she killed him instead. She cursed me and that's why I told that I can't have children. He storked her hair."  Did you have any lover?" Jon sighed.

"Aye. Her name was Ygritte. She was beautiful and I loved her." Dany's heart didn't beat for a second. Where is she now? Is she waiting for him at Winterfell? " She died in my arms and I burned her body." She felt a bit happy.

" I'm so sorry,Jon." She said, but he shook his head.

" It was our destiny. I have to lost her so I could have you." Dany smiled and kissed him again.

Seven hells ! How much she loved him...

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