I'm going to miss you ...

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Everywhere was shinny when she opened her eyes. Her hands searched for him beside her but it was empty. She didn't get use to be alone when she woke up; since their first night on the boat, she woke up with him beside her except their nights on White Horbor.

She sat on the bed and looked around. Warm clothes were on the bed and there was a note on them.

' I am so sorry to leave you alone but I have to go. I'll back soon. Put the clothes on. I got these clothes from one of northern ladies. They are loose and warm so you and our child would be warm. I hope you like them.

I love you

Jon '

She smiled and stood then she put her clothes on. She put her hand on her belly. She never felt so happy, scared and excited in her whole life. She was happy cause she was carrying a child again ... cause she was going to be mother... and she had fear ... she didn't want to lose her child again .. She didn't want to lose Jon... Jon and their unborn child was all she had...

Before she knew, her tears were falling on her cheek. She never felt so vulnerable in her life; her tears fell on her cheek without any reason.


She heard his soft whisper. She was too busy with crying when he came in.

_What's wrong? Why are you crying love?

She wiped her tears and shook her head. He grabbed her waist and tried to keep her calm.

_ Nothing wrong. I am just scared.

He stroked her silver hair and kissed her forehead. When he kissed her forehead, she felt safe.

_ Why?

_I don't want to lose you or our son; you two are my reason to live.

He smiled; his eyes were calm like always but there was strange thing deep in his eyes. Maybe it was fear... or maybe...

_You won't lose either of us. I promise...

She nodded and pressed her lips to his; his warm hands were on her back. She could feel of the warmness of her his hand even she wasn't naked. He broke the kiss and asked:

_You said our son? Is it boy?

She shook her head put her hand on her belly.

_I think so. Sometimes it feels different but other times I feel like when I was carrying Rhaego. So that's why I say it's a boy.

A beautiful smile appeared on his lips.

_I think we should tell Arya and Sansa. They would be really happy I guess.

She leaned to kiss him but before that they heard a voice.

_Tell us what?

They turned and saw Arya who was standing there. Jon took two steps towards her.

_ When did you came in?

Arya's eyes moved from Dany to Jon.

_Just a few seconds ago. I heard my name and I came in. You two were so busy.

He nodded and grabbed his sword and fastened it. She knew he was getting ready to go.

_ What is going n Jon?

He looked at Dany. They had to say it at least; she knew it would get impossible to hide her belly in few days. So she nodded and let him to say

_Arya... I am going to be a father. Daenerys is with child.

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