Be Mine .....

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_ Jon ...... wake up love .....

He turned and made strange sound. Her hand chased on his chest. He grabbed her hand put it away. She thought he was ticklish. She did it again and chased her hand on his chest and back. He moved again and whispered.

_ Don't do that.

She smiled slyly. Finally she found a weakness. He was ticklish.

_ You didn't tell me that you are ticklish Lord Snow.

He opened his eyes hardly.

_ Cause I am not.

She raised her eyebrows.

_ Is that so?

He nodded hand closed his eyes. She separated one part of her silver hair and started tickling face. He started laughing while he was trying to grab her hands but he was unsuccessful because he couldn't stop laughing. Dany started laughing too so he turned and grabbed her hand. Now he was on the top of her.

_ What were you doing?

She stopped laughing and stared into his eyes. He was stronger than e

_ I was trying to make sure that you have a weakness.

He pressed her hands. She felt pain but she knew that he was just playing with her. He promised her a night before to take care of her and do not hurt her again.

_ And you don't have any weakness?

She sighed. Her weakness was her biggest fear ... The fear that she didn't have for years. It was something that Jon brought to her since .... Since when? She didn't know when she fell in love with him. He became her love suddenly. Maybe in that cave .....When his eyes were dark and full of demand and lust. Or maybe when he asked her to trust him. It didn't matter anymore cause he was her whole world now.

_ Losing you is my fear and weakness.

His eyes became full of sadness and she felt tear in her own eyes. She knew he thought maybe they couldn't survive from the long night.

_ You won't lose me I promise.

Before she could say something he pressed his lips to hers. He still kissed her like their first night. Full of love and passion....

She felt his hardness against her legs so she speared her legs for him. Before he could enter her, she felt nausea. Dany pushed her lover away and ran into bathroom and started throwing up rapidly.

She didn't have any energy to stand. It wasn't familiar to her. She never felt like that in her whole life. When she sat on the cold ground, she felt Jon's warm hand on her back.

_ Are you all right?

_ No

All she managed to say was no. Jon lifted her up and put her bed. Suddenly she felt like a little girl who needed someone to take care of her. Jon brought her warm clothes and helped her to put them on. He was a real man for her. Why they didn't meet sooner? Why didn't he live with her and her brother?

He started getting dress while he was staring at her worriedly. When he was done, he walked towards her and kissed her forehead.

_ Get some rest. I will call a maester to examine you.

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