Fire & Blood

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_ My king! The armies of Lannister attack us!

Both of them jumped from where they were sitting. Jon opened the door and looked at Jorah who was standing by the door.

_ Are you certain Jorah?

_ Yes. I saw them with my own eyes. Ser Jaime is commending our army as you wanted and her grace armies are out of the Winterfell area.

_ I will come soon.

Jorah nodded and left them alone. Jon walked and started to wear his armor. His heart was beating so fast. Is he really wanted to go? What if he couldn't come back? How could she live after him? He knew that she had no one but him ....

_ Jon... you are really going?

He just nodded and grabbed his sword then he walked towards her and cupped her small face.

_ First, I won't tell you to stay cause I know you wouldn't so; take care of yourself.

She gave him a sad smile and nodded with sadness.

_ I don't want to lose you Dany. Don't come in the middle of the battle.

_ And what if I lose you?

Jon looked at the ground and sighed. He would do everything to survive. She was his hope to live. He wanted to live with her till the end of their life.

_ I am not going to die. At least not today......

And then he pressed his lips to hers. He tried to enjoy her lips... her sweet lips ..... Maybe it was the last time that he felt them....

He pulled away and walked towards the door. His heart was betraying him. He wanted to stay and protect her but his mind was reminding him his duty. Before he left the chamber, he heard her soft whispered:

_ Jon...

Her voice was weak and full of sense. Jon turned and looked into her eyes. Her voice broke him into million pieces.

_ Don't call me like that again; you don't know how much it effects on me.

She gave him another sad smile and walked towards me.

_ I just want to tell you important thing.

He just nodded. His mind was full of thoughts and so he had no idea about what she was going to tell him.

_ The maester told me that I am...I am p........

Before she could finish her sentence, his little sister sound interrupted her.

_ Jon! They are entering into the castle. We have to do something.

He just looked at Dany again.

_ Tell me later and take care.

He ran out from the room with hurry. Dany's words made him curious but now his duty was calling him .....



_ Jon ...

She whispered again after he left her alone. She wanted to tell him but they didn't let her and she knew if she told him then he would have more power to fight.

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