I am hers/ his and she/he is mine ...

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It was late at night. She was standing in white dress. Her hair was free on her shoulders and there was a northern braid on the back of her head. Missandei learnt how to it and she did to her head for the night of her marriage with the love of her life. She had stress; she never got married with a person she loved. Her marriage with Drogo was by her brother force so she didn't have any fear to lose him. And her second marriage ..... She even didn't know how old her husband was. But now .... She was getting married to the man who she knew him and loved him more than anything in whole world. She had fear ... fear of losing him was always in her mind since the first night he came into her chamber. Jon was her only love .... She swore to herself if she lost him during the war, she would never ever got married again. He was the only one for her.

She heard a soft knock on the door.

_ Come in!

The door opened and Sansa came in. she became shock. She and Sansa didn't have really good relationship since the first day. They just talked to each other in councils and every time Sansa was disagree with her.

_ Jon told me to come and check if you need something.

Oh! Jon told her. Of course she wouldn't came and ask her something like that.

_ Thanks Lady Sansa. I don't need any help.

She nodded and let Arya to come in. Arya closed the door and sat on the bed.

_ It's time to go but I want to talk to you.

Dany sat next to her future sister-in-law.

_ I don't know you well. I don't know what did you do but I know you must be great woman. Jon never attracts to women but you are something different. He decided to marry you late at night because he loves you. He made love to you before even you got married. He always scared to fathering a bastard but he did to you because he loves you more than anything.

Her first sentence about Jon's love was true but her second one ...... Jon was sure that she couldn't have child so he didn't scared of getting her pregnant.

Arya stood and touched Dany's hand.

_ Just love him back and take care of him. He is stubborn so he needs someone to put eyes on him.

Dany smiled and nodded. She wasn't even sure if she had time to live with him.

_ I'll as well as I can.

_ Thanks.

The door opened again and Sansa started nagging.

_ It's getting really late. If one northern lord wake up and see this, everything will be mess up.

Arya and Daenerys walked out from the chamber and they went to the GoodsWood. In the middle of the way, she heard Arya said to her sister that it's none of everybody business that what their king is doing but Sansa was disagree. She said alliance with north is more important than a stupid love and marriage.

Dany's heart broke for a minute. What was her problem to her? Why Sansa was like that?

Finally they arrived where Jon was waiting for her future wife.



_ Father ... Smith ... Warrior ....

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