The End of the World ....

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She was breaker of chain but now she was in chain. Euron was walking with her into the castle; and they were followed by people who were happy that Euron Greyjoy had captured the dragon queen , their enemy. She tried to protect her belly from the things they threw to her but sometimes they hit her.
+ People of Red keep are so hospitable, you can see that. I remember they welcomed Yara and Ellaria Sand like this too. Oh I forgot ! they were your allies too.
He started laughing. She looked at him with the hateful eyes." He is mad , Cersei is mad too ! "
Finally under many insults and humiliation, they entered the castle. She felt so alone , like she was in Dothraki sea so many years ago ; when she had lost everything.
She looked at the hallways ; she always thought she would see these walls when she took back her throne but now she was here as a gift for Cersei.
Cersei smiled as she saw Dany walking towards her in the throne room. Euron bowed in front of his queen and started:
+ Here you are , my queen. The mother of dragons is here. Totally healthy as you wanted.
" Healthy ? " Her cheeks still pained from Euron's slaps and she guessed she had scars too just like Jon had. Jon... where was he now ? Was he sleeping peacefully in his bed or he was fighting ? Would he come to save her and their child?
Cersei walked towards her and moved her hand on Dany's swollen belly.
+ Welcome to Kingslanding , Daenerys Stormborn and my future heir.



He looked for Viserion, and Night King while he was on Rhaegal and with Dragon next to him. Since the first time he flew ,he knew he couldn't get enough of it and he was right. He loved flying with Rhaegal but when he was with Dany ; with her , he felt certain and now he was afraid. He never shown his fears to anyone even to Dany. But he was now ; it was the end of the world and he wasn't able to protect his people , his family , his wife and his child who was half a world away.
He saw the blue fire started to burn Winterfell. He flew as fast as he could and hit Viserion from the right side. He screamed loudly as he felt other dragon hit his neck. Dragon helped Rhaegal and hit his stomach. Night King escaped and after a minutes, he jumped down. Still, Dragon was fighting with Viserion , both were injured and Dragon was trying to hard not to land with his injured wing. Jon took a deep breath and shrieked:
_ Darcarys ! _
Both Rhaegal and Dragon's fire started to burn Viserion. Jon waited until he saw him fell down and died right there. When he and Bran talked last time , Bran told him that Night King was coming for him. He landed in godswood where his brother was. He drew his sword out and waited for Night King. Bran was calm as always.
+ Jon..
He turned and looked at him.
+ You must leave here tomorrow.
_ I don't know if I could live till tomorrow.
+ Daenerys needs you. If you die tonight, then she will die too.
He walked towards Bran with a frown.
_ What is it ? Is there something that you didn't tell me?
+ Euron Greyjoy has attacked to Dragonstone, Jorah Morment injured badly , Sam and Gilly are well too and Daenerys is captured by him and brought him to King's landing to Cersei. You have time to save her until she goes to labor. Cersei just wants your child and what to have it as her future heir.
His heart stopped beating for a second; his love .. his wife .. was in their hands and she could go to labor any moment. It truly was the end of the world for him ....



She sat in the middle of dungeon ; hands moving on her belly. Even her child barely moved, maybe her little one knew what was happening. In past months she prayed to hold her child soon but now she wished that she could keep it in her belly forever. The thought of giving the child who was made out of love to Cersei made her to feel sick. The babe was only hers , hers and Jon and no one was able to take it away.
A sharp pain hit her belly for a second ; she gasped and pushed her hand to her belly.
_ Please stay a bit longer there. Just one more day and then your father will save us.
The door opened and the other queen walked in. She had a cup of wine in her hand and a smile on her face.
+ Oh! I think I Interrupted mother and child moment.
The mountain walked in with her and stood next to the door. Dany tried to stand but the pain didn't let her. As Cersei sat on a chair, Dany took a deep breath and conceal her pain.
+ When I was younger than you, I loved Rhaegar Targareyen. I thought I would marry him but he never belonged to me. First he married Elia and then he did stupid things for Lyanna Stark. I was disappointed when that happened ; I thought I would never be a queen.
She was listening to her like a scary child who was listening to a stranger who didn't trust. Her child started kicking like never before and that made her to moan. " Stay strong, you are a queen. " Cersei smirked and continued:
+ But I become a queen. Through all these years I knew another queen will come and take what is mine away. That queen is you Daenerys.
She sat next to Dany and stroked her belly:
+ I'm not gonna let you take it away. The iron throne is mine. Just like your child is mine too.
Dany took Cersei's hand; looking at her like a dragon she was.
_ We'll see about this. You can touch my child in your dreams.
Cersei stood and nodded while she was looking at the mountain, he walked towards Dany....



The Night King was coming, he saw him walking towards them in the godswood.
_ Get ready !
A handful soldiers were standing beside him and he knew they would die within a minutes if he can't kill the Night King. " I know you are watching me Lyanna Stark. Help me please. I promised that I'll be alive, you know I did. Let me to keep my promise. "
He held his sword tight and got ready to fight with the white walkers and the Night King behind them. Rhaegal started burning them; many of them destroyed but many of them attacked and killed his mens. He saw his people died.. a man who had 3 children that was praying for their father return. A man who got married recently and a man who was his old parents only child but he couldn't do anything for them.
Rhaegal protected Jon and burnt them ; and he killed ones who escaped from Rhaegal's fire but fire didn't affect on Night King. He came out of it and walked towards Jon and Bran.
_ Whatever happens Bran, promise me that you will do anything to save Daenerys.
His whole life passed in his mind for a seconds ; his childhood without his mother, joining nights watch, going beyond the wall, meeting Ygritte, coming back to the nights watch, becoming the lord commander , letting free folks the south of the wall, being murder by his brothers, resurrection from the death, taking Winerfell back , becoming king in the north , meeting Daenerys, their marriage... all of them didn't matter now. He was going to die.
With a shout, he ran to Night King but it was Jon who felt pain in his stomach. He felt this way before,  he knew the darkness after it. " I'm sorry Dany... "
He fell on the ground while he was bleeding to death. Night King walked to Bran.
' Save the world for us Jon. Save it and then we will make the best world for our child. '
She hadn't told this before but he heard it like she was asking him to do so now. ' Jon ... '
He stood , his blood was running away from his veins but he stood, he raised his sword and put it in Night King back.
He fell again and his eyes closed " I'm so sorry , my love "


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