This is the worst news

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It was early in morning but she still could feel his warm body against hers. He was always warm even in that cold weather. Sometimes she thought cold weather had no effect on him. He was ice. True ice...

She stared at his scar. It still made her wonder. Maybe it was his destiny to came back to life and make her fall in love with him.

_ Jon ?

She whispered into his ear. He moved a bit.

_ Wake up. It's getting last.

He jumped as opened his eyes.

_ Good morning.

_ Seven hells ! we have council now. Last night I told them we'll talk later. I guess they are waiting for us.

He stood up and started getting dress. Dany watched him until he turned around and looked at her.

_ I'm scared Jon. What if they won't accept me?

He sat near her. She could see love in his brown eyes.

_ They will if their king does.

She smiled. It was her words . The words that she told him in that cave. At that time she didn't think that she would fall in love with him. He was just stubborn king to her.

He stood up.

_ We'll be wait for you. Don't be late please. I'll tell Missandei to come and help you to get ready My Queen.

She nodded and he left her alone.

" I have to show them my best. I am a Queen. "



_ A Targaryen can not be trusted.

Jon looked at Lord Glover who was standing face to face to him.

_ Her father burnt you uncle and grand father alive. I'm sure you didn't forget it.

Jon finally stood up.

_ I know all of this but I suggest to judge a daughter by her father sins.

Suddenly , she entered the room and every one gasped. She sat near Jon and stared at northern lords.

_ What did I missed ?

_ Nothing your grace. We were just talking about our alliance.

Lord Manderly stood and started talking.

_ Like Lord Glover said , we can't trust her. She can do everything.

" How they can do that ? How they can judge her without any knowledge ? "

Daenerys took a deep breath.

_ I decided to help your king. I decided to save the north.

_ And how do we know you won't betray us ?

Jon looked at Dany. It seemed she couldn't answer. He had to do something. He knew her well. She was his love.

_ We went beyond the wall. I wanted to bring a dead to Cersie. If she didn't come your king would be dead. She risked everything and came to save to us. She lost one of her dragons because of me. How could she betray us ?

He looked at Dany again. She had hopeful look in her eyes.

_ I choose her because I believe in her. You have to respect my decision and know her as your queen.

Northern lords had nothing to say.

_ We are allies now and we will fight together on battle field.

Lyanna Morment stood and stared at Dany.

_ What did you asked from him ? An alliance marriage ?

_ After this war , he and his army will help me to get back what was mine. I'll get back iron throne.

She stood and left the hall quickly. Jon sighed and left the room too. Arya was standing by the door.

_ I think you defended well.

He looked around.

_ Where is she ?

_ I don't know. She was running out. I think she is in her room. Her handmaid followed her.

Jon raised his eyebrows.

_ Is Bran in Goodswood ?

Arya nodded. Jon walked out from the castle. He was curious about to know what he wanted to tell him. He saw a young man who was sitting. His eyes were closed.

_ Jon .... It's good to have you here.

He opened his eyes. Jon just hugged him.

_ I missed you little brother. You are lord of Winterfell now.

Bran smiled a bit.

_ I'm not the lord Jon. I am three eyes raven.

Jon sat on the ground.

_ What do you mean ?

_ I can see what happened in past and what is happening now.

Jon shocked a bit.

_ They told me that you want to talk to me.

Bran nodded.

_ I think The Dragon Queen and our sisters must be here too.

_ We could go inside so we could talk.



_ Lord Snow wants you to meet him and his brother in council room.

She nodded and tried to stood up. Her friend and handmaid walked towards her.

_ Are you alright your grace ? what happened to you ?

_ Nothing.

She walked out from her chamber. As soon as she arrived in council room , she saw Sansa and Arya and unfamiliar face. She knew he must be Bran.

_ It's good to see you Daenerys.

She nodded as she sat next to Arya.

_ He is my brother Bran.

_ Your brother told about you a lot.

Bran didn't answer her.

_ I want say something really important.

Everyone were quiet. Finally Bran spoke.

_ The wall has fallen.

Sansa jumped.

_ What ? How ?

_The Night King destroyed The Wall with the dead dragon.

Daenerys heart stopped. Her child ..... he destroyed everything .....

" The dead dragon? It means my child is his slave now "

She tried to not cry. It was hard to believe.

_ It's not true. He is dead. I saw him , he fell in water.

Jon stood and tried to hugged. It seem he didn't care about their family who was sitting there. She put her head on his chest and it was when she couldn't control herself anymore. She started crying.

_ Jon .... He has my child.

Jon put his arms around her.

_ Sh ! this is the worst news but i promise you that we'll save the others dragons.

Bran who was quiet until that time spoke.

_ Jon ... I have to say something important to tell you......

Dusk Till Dawn ..... Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin