Please come back to us ...

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Her hands were on the emptiness of the bed. It still was strange to her; she didn't get use to it after a month. A month ... they were apart for a month... Or maybe more than a month... She missed him more than anything. His lips, his arms, his looks, his whispers into her ear while they were making love. He was the one who completed her, and now she wasn't feel complete. Missing him was blue but she had to deal with it. She didn't have any news from Winterfell since they left there but she hoped they were good and alive. She asked Sam for news everyday but each time he said: " We haven't got any news. This weather doesn't let ravens fly. " and every time she cursed Jon; if he didn't send her away, now she was beside him and she didn't need to wait for a raven. Missandei was agree with Jon's decision; she believed Jon could win the battle and she just needed to rest and make sure that her child would born in safety.

She put her hand on her stomach. As Sam told her she must be near 7 moons and the baby had no problem at all and was growing strongly in her womb. She wished the baby born soon. She just wanted to take her child on her arms; she wished it since the time she realized she was pregnant with Rhaego but she didn't had chance to hold him and after that she thought she thought it was impossible but now she had only 2 moons left to have her wildest dream. But still she had a fear; the fear of losing the baby was the only thing made her to feel worry.
And then she heard a knock on the door like every morning. As Jon wanted, Sam checked her every day and sometimes it was annoying for her.
_ Come in!
The door opened but she saw Gilly with little Sam instead of Sam.
+I'm sorry, your grace but Sam send me to ask about your condition today.
She hugged her son tight and explained with her accent:
+ He was reading a book so he couldn't come.
_ I have some pains but tell him that I'm fine.
+ This pains are quiet normal but you should rest more. Beside you must be calm , your grace.
Daenerys sat on the bed and answers while she was looking at little Sam.
_ I'm just a bit worry about Jon in Winterfell.
+ You shouldn't be. As I know him, he is strong and brave man, he will come back soon.
Her hands moved on her belly as she took a deep breath. Everyone told her that Jon would be fine but still , she was worried.
+Your grace , a raven arrived today. It's from his grace.
Dany nearly jumped from her sit and her heart beat became faster. A raven from him ... so he was still well. Gilly gave her the letter. She opened and read it:

' My dear Dany
It have been weeks since we moved to Winterfell once again. We rebuilt some part of it so we can live here until the end of the war. Bran saw the army of the dead in his visions once again. Night King is not to far away from us so some people are a bit scared. Everything will end soon and winter will over.
I'm safe Daenerys , don't worry about me. I promise that I'll back before the birth of our child. I missed you more than you can imagine my love. I rarely sleep at nights ; I missed everything about you , your lips ... your beautiful face . Promise me that you'll take care of yourself and our little miracle till I come back.
I Love you , Jon. '

She smiled as she pressed the letter into her chest with one hand , and she put the other one on her swollen belly. " Your father will come back to us my dear. He'll be next to us soon. He promised." She wanted him next to her when she gave a birth to their child ; she was afraid. Both of their mother died giving birth to them , she didn't want the same thing happen to her, she wanted to live with Jon and her child. It took many years for them to meet, it wasn't fair if they don't get a chance to live.
+ Can leave your grace ? Sam in hungry.
She totally forgot Gilly was there. She controled herself from being so emotional. She must be a strong queen in everyones else eyes.
_ Yes. Thanks for your help Gilly.
She smiled and but before she leave, Dany called her:
_ Gilly , call Missandei for me.
+ Yes your grace.
She left her alone with her thoughts. She believed in every word he wrote. She knew Jon would be next her soon.She sat on the chair and waited for Missadei. The baby moved so much and that hurt her sometimes. She woke up many times during the nights because of the kicking in her belly. She heard a familiar knock on the door.
_ Come in.
Missandei opened the door and came in.
+Is there something you need your grace ?
_ Yes. I want to write for Jon and I need ink and paper. 
Missanei went out and after some minutes she brought what Dany needed. She started writing back to her love :

' My beloved husband
I'm so glad that I know you are well and I know you will keep your promise and you will be next to me while I'm giving birth to our child. Sam says the baby is totally healthy and will be here less that two moons. I said it's a boy but now I think it's a girl , I never felt in this way when I was carrying Rhaego. She moves too much at nights ; I wish you could be here to feel the way she moves.
I miss you Jon , more than you can imagine and still I wish I never left you. Come back to me please ... I can't live without you ...

Daenerys , your wife.

A tear escaped from her eyes when she wrote the last line and dropped on the paper. It was true ; she couldn't imagine a life without Jon. It wasn't life then , it was just being alive...



+ I'm not sure if it's a really good idea your grace. We should wait here for them except attacking to them.
He shook his head and sat on his chair.
_ Ser Jaime , we can't stay here and wait for them. We are not sure when he will attack us. I want this war to end soon.
Ser Davos stood at stated:
+ Ser Jaime is right. If the army leave here , a part of his army would attack to Winterfell. Or worst , if we lose the war, it takes too long for the other part of army to join us.
He was annoy. He wanted to finish every thing soon by killing the Night King ,  wanted to back in the arms of the woman he loved. He knew it would take too long if he wait for the Night King in Winterfell. Jaime and Davos were right but he denied it. He didn't say anything and just stared at the table. Tyrion who was silent till that moment , drank his red wine and started:
+ I know you want to end this so you can go to Dragonstone but I'm not sure if this is the right way. You miss her , I know it and she is as same as you ,but if we leave here, a part of the army should stay and we need our whole army to win this fight. It's your decision, but decide with your mind not your heart.
He couldn't say no to them , they were totally right and he the one who being stupid. His mind didn't work like before and his heart decided everything. Love was the death of duty ... and it was , it really was...



She was in her room and drinking wine. Still , the loss of her last  child was torturing her. She just wanted to have an heir but she lost it. One day when she was looking at snowy view , she felt blood between her legs and that was when she had nothing left. She got married to Euron when he burned Winterfell. She heard a knock on the door.
_ Come in !
Qyburn entered the room and said:
+ I have many news your grace.
Cersei turned and looked at her hand with a question.
+ Jon Snow is at Winterfell and he rebuilt the castle a bit.
She sat on the chair and drank again.
_ Tell me something new Qyburn.
+ But the Targareyn girl is at Dragonstone and as I know she is heavily pregnant.
She raised her eyebrows. Tyrion told her that she was a barren and she wouldn't have a child ever again.
_ Are you certain about this ?
He nodded:
+ I have no doubt. Snow send him away and she will give birth soon. Her army and beasts are with him.
Cersei smirked.
_ Bastared boy did his job well. He got a barren woman pregnant. It's my turn now. Qyburn , tell Euron he needs to attack Dragonstone.
He nodded and she continued:
_ I want her alive , try to keep the baby alive too.
She looked at the city again and smirked. " You have to pay this time Stark boy ......."


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